49. Let Me Go, Just Let Me Go (GOJS ARC 20)

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"Shit! Is everyone ok?" Mint yelled, rubbing her head where it had hit the steering wheel. On Jewel Street, an airbag would be a strange sight even in times like these.

Through her disorientation, she heard Robin yell back a worried conformation, and Ben mutter something. She could hear this strange roaring noise... she must've hit her head real hard. Dazed and confused, Mint pushed open the door to her side of the car, crawling out weakly.

A gun barrel pressed against her head.

Robin screamed as she was dragged out of the car by strong, powerful arms, and began to fight back before seeing just how outnumbered she was.

Ben slowly, calmly exited the car. He raised his hands as he felt multiple guns on him. Looking out over the street, there must have been about a thousand gang members, all ready to kill them. But at the very front was one of his own, or someone who used to be, before Wren blew him away.

"Man... I didn't think it would end like this." the man said, sounding almost disappointed, "I thought you were cool. And then you come back, and I was gonna apologize, but what's all this fed shit, huh? What did you do, man?"

Ben hung his head low. The cards seemed stacked against him... that damned Twig. He had the ears of everyone on Jewel, no matter what he did. And then it hit him. Why he couldn't leave this place behind.

"Feds? I didn't do any fed shit... you just believe that?"

He raised his voice, continuing for all of Jewel Street to hear.

"I mean, come on! Have you guys seen any fed shit going on? Cos I haven't! Twig... do you really believe a word that guy says, or are you just afraid of him and his gang?"

"Then... why'd you go? And why'd come back?"

"I left because I was trying to be something better! I was moving on, man! I was leaving this part of me behind! There was a good life for me out there... and I wanted it. But I couldn't let myself have it, because... because I'm not done here. I mean, look at us! Gang members, with guns, and bikes, and wearing gang shit. We're exactly what they say we are... because that's easier, isn't it? Easier than fighting back? Living out here like the savages that we know we aren't?"

Ben got up on top of the car, now yelling out his words.

"The outside world thinks all these walls are there to keep us in, but really it's to keep them out, huh? We're all scared too, because we know they hate us, and we can't play their game, so we play the one they gave us. But we can make it out there! I did! But I came back because you all deserve that! And I don't think Jewel can move on, not when... not when Twig's in control. He wants us to be his monsters, his army. He doesn't care what it does to us! He doesn't give a shit! But we are not his army. We are Jewel Street, and we are people!"

The crowd stared on in silence, seemingly hesitant and unsure, so Ben continued.

"I mean, have you seen the stars tonight? You can never see em out here, cos of the factories or whatever, but tonight... did a single one of you even bother to check, to have hope that they might be? Or have you all just kept your heads down and done what you were told?"

Everyone looked up at the stars, some gasping at the incredible view that they hadn't seen for so long.

"It's one of those things that makes us people, not soldiers... we can all look up at the stars, and it's only for us, and it's beautiful. We all see that same sight up there, don't we? I mean, it's unheard of on Jewel. So tonight, why am I the first one saying anything about it? Don't you want a life where things like this matter? Don't you see how little stands in the way of all of that? Don't you?"

Ben finished his speech, and was left in silence, breathing heavily. He froze as he waited for a response. Every cell in his brain was screaming, begging Jewel Street to fall to the side he was pushing them towards, as he watched the crowd teeter perilously in the middle.

Slowly, one man lowered his weapon. Bravely, he spoke out;

"Doug got shot in Everyone's Yard a few days ago. I didn't even think about it, man... that guy was my friend."

Another woman lowered her gun too.

"And that was Everyone's Yard! Nobody's meant to die there... why didn't we do anything?"

Slowly, more and more people lowered their weapons, and relief washed over Ben. He watched as people began to turn and walk away, ready to start fighting back against Twig, and felt the glory of change, success, and peace inside his heart. He had come here all those years ago to kill people who had ruined his life... and he could finally leave, knowing he had saved so many.

Mint looked over the crowd too, but quickly became more awestruck by Ben himself. That scared little boy, that hateful, spiteful teenager, that traumatized adult man, that freedom fighter standing before hundreds and telling them exactly what to fight for, and getting them to listen. How far he'd come... she couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly proud.

Ben was approached by his former gang member.

"Hey, it's gonna be weird out here without you. But... I'm happy for you, man. I can't believe I had a gun on you... I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Ben replied, "Just make sure nobody falls back in line, yeah?"

"Of course. I think it's about time shit changed around here... shame you're leaving. You coulda led this place!"

Ben laughed, hugging his old friend.

"And hey," the man continued, "take my bike. Hell, I could find you as many as you need," he said, turning around to look at how many of Ben's old acquaintances were waiting back, "seems like a lotta people here feel indebted to you."

Ben grinned widely, knowing he had made the world a better place, not just now, but somehow before too. He had been so caught up in his hunt...

"Just get outta here by dawn, man." Ben's old friend said.

"Hell, I'll be back home by then."


And so Ben took two bikes, one for him and Robin and one for Mint, and began to head back to the compound.

He was going home at last. No... he was leaving it, leaving it better than he found it, and moving on.

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