29. You See Me

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The next day, the compound was in mourning. Everyone was reeling from AR's silent exit. Many tears cried over the notes, many bittersweet laughs as Cece and Nicki reminisced. Each note was so perfect for each of them, they didn't realize how much AR understood them until he was gone (Nicki got two notes, one under 'Nicki', and one under 'Nick'. It was the exact same note twice. They loved it).

Wren quickly noticed Lewis's absence, and went to go and find her in the medbay. For probably the first time ever, Wren saw her in there, not working, sleeping or eating. She was just thinking, with a serious expression on her face.

"Hey Lewis! What's up?"

"Oh... hey. Nothing really, just... annoyed."

Wren could tell that there was something.

"Doesn't seem like nothing... was your note not good?" she persisted.

"No, I didn't get a note... but I am pissed about AR. He wanted to stay here, right? And now he's going back to his place of trauma all because BM says so? Look, there's something you need to know about BM."

Lewis spun around, and grabbed Wren by the hands. This move caught her off guard, mainly because of how soft Lewis's hands were. That always got her...

"BM gets... tunnel vision sometimes." Lewis continued. "He's always fighting his brain - but it's always operating in whatever parts he's not focusing on. BM's a great guy, but the selfish conscience is not. So now we get things like him accidentally preying on people who need guidance so he can make them do his work. I won't let it happen to you, Wren, but I think it happened to AR."

Wren just kept staring, confused.

"Wait... I thought BM was... wait, what?"

"Ugh, Wren! Come on, listen to me. We need to find a way to help keep AR safe!"

This, Wren understood.

"Yeah! Ok! So... how do we do that?"

"He's back in Jewel Street, right? He said not to go after him or we'd blow his cover, but... there has to be something we could do..."

"What if I disguised myself as a gang member?"

Lewis laughed.

"Come on, Wrennie. They wouldn't let obvious kids in. Besides, you're too cute to be a gang member!"

Wren giggled, blushing, then refocused herself.

"What about Rebound and Nicki?"

Lewis thought about this for a moment.

"No... they've been in fights with Twig's men. They'll get recognized..."

"Well what do we do then? So has everyone here at the compound!"

Upon hearing this, Lewis had a realization. A look of uneasiness spread across her face.

"Not everyone..."


Rebound threw his ball against the wall. It bounced around the corner, and out of sight... then he felt it hit a wall. Good... he was getting stronger. BM had told him that the most likely next step in his ability's connection was a stronger mental link between Rebound and his thrown object, possibly even to the point of using them for distant surveillance. Tonight's work meant that he was getting closer, but... he still didn't feel good. He kept thinking about the homeless man.

As he walked over to where his ball had landed to pick it up, he heard the doors to the training chamber open behind him. Turning, he saw Wren, looking upset.

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