78. The Plan

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"Ok, so, if she can control us like that then maybe it'd be best to all split up?"

Ben and BM both shook their heads.

"No," Ben said, "cos that'd take a whole section of our forces out, and if they attacked anybody else, we'd have to fight them off alone."

"Pairs, then? Se we can look out for each other." Nick reasoned.

"Not that either." BM chimed in, "It's hard to tell if the possession is something that we'd even be able to avoid or defend against before it happens. We'd be best staying in one loose group, not packed up for any large attacks but still together."

"Look, let's not jump the gun here. First we need to figure out who we're actually bringing."

BM sighed. Ben was right... but he had vowed to never make a mistake like sending children into battle ever again.

"Just the four of us. Us three and Mint."

Shaking his head, Ben looked down at the ground.

"You know that won't work. If 'DV' herself is coming, it's safe to assume that she'll be bringing everything she's got. The four of us won't be enough."

BM gritted his teeth. Ideally, he'd just take this all on alone. It was highly unlikely they'd have anything that could kill him, or another ability that could take his strength. But this 'DV' could just take control of him... and the things he could do when under her control, they were horrifying.

But bringing someone else along meant someone who could be killed, meaning he'd have to bring others so that everyone could have each other's backs. And four... it wasn't enough.

Ben put a hand on BM's shoulder reassuringly.

"Bring Robin." he said in a soft tone, "Her healing's gotten faster, her ability's developed, and she's a damn good fighter. She can fight with us especially."

"Dominic too," Nick chimed in, "kid's insane at fighting, and a really useful power. Worst comes to worst, I can make a good meat shield."

This all felt terrible to BM, but he wasn't sure if there was any other way. He had already tried a couple contacts of his, but none of them had responded.

"Fine... but we can't bring Tenson. It's too much for him. That means we can't bring Mariah, either. I'll get them out of the compound. Wren too."

Nick grunted with approval.

"So, it's us three, Mint, Robin, Dominic, and Rebound?" they asked.

"Mm... not Rebound. Kid's in a dark place, I get the feeling he'll do something dumb if we put him in front of some people to fight." Ben said.

"But didn't he get the note?"

"Yes," BM said, "but I told him it was just a bluff, to scare us while we recuperate."

"And how do we know it isn't a bluff."

BM lowered his voice to a hushed tone.

"Because we have someone in contact with the enemy."


"So... that, is a hickey. What do you think?"

Wren rubbed her neck.

"Well, I liked it, I guess. But I don't get why you wouldn't just kiss my mouth."

"Cos," Robin chirped, "I can do both."

"Also... when I looked it up, it said it was a sex thing."

Suspiciously, Robin lowered her eyes.

"Then why'd you ask me to show you it?"

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