24.5 Brothers And Sisters (FILLER)

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Rebound walked down the hallway, coolly tossing a ball and catching it as he went. Cece was coming down the opposite way, before stopping to give him a mean look.

"Why do you try to look cool throwing things around? That's literally your power... you're aware we all know that, right? Not impressive..."

Rebound smirked, hiding his annoyance.

"Whatever. At least I can use mine."

He could see in Cece's eyes that that one had stung, so he decided to go all in.

"Quit on the first field mission, huh? Not impressive!"

"At least BM didn't have to take a bullet for me." Cece shot back, uncaring of the damage the snipe dealt. Rebound felt a pang in his heart, and angrily retaliated:

"Yeah, well Wren lost a whole arm."

Too far. Silence fell over the two as they stood side by side in the hallway, looking straight forward. Rebound felt disgusted with himself, and Cece felt the same.

"I... I didn't mean that."

"Yeah... me neither. I'm sorry."

They both sighed, and continued walking.


Mariah knocked on Tenson's door, but it opened halfway through. She paused for a second, before stepping in.


"Eurgh... why'd you have to show up? Also, why are you finally showing up? Where have you been?" Tenson inquired.

"Uhh, making money? At a job? Like you said?"

"What!? Why the fuck didn't you do that BEFORE we had the free accommodation!?"

"Why aren't YOU doing it now, asshole? Am I the only one around here with an entrepreneurial spirit?"

Tenson sighed to himself. He hadn't been buying her security and comfort... he had been buying her ignorance.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm proud of you... whaddya want?" he replied.

"Can I do your makeup? Wren keeps saying no even though she'd obviously look stunning, and BM keeps offering even though he's, like, a million years old, and I'm getting bored of doing it on Dominic..."

"Ugh, again? No."

"But I need practiiiiiice... should I try Cece? No, she's a lesbian... they don't like makeup, right?"

"Wait, Wren's a lesbian too."

"Shit... that's why she won't let me."

"No, dumbass, it's cos I told her not to!"

"Whatever, kid... Rebound would probably beat me up, right?"

"I would. Also, 'kid'? I'm way more mature than you."

"Yeah, but I'm older. Get off your high horse. And try to age slower, your hair's been greying for years now..."

"Get the hell out of here."

"Jeez, fine. Your loss..."

Mariah began to leave, but froze at the door.

"Ughhhh... what?" Tenson asked, exasperated.

"Well... everyone here can do amazing things... and I can't... all I can do is makeup... it's all I-"


"You'll let me?"

"If you stop guilt tripping me, yeah. Not too much, though."

"Well... it's just that my parents left me at a young age, and I had to fend for myself, so-"

"We had the same parents! And I fended for you, asshole!"

"Fine, only light makeup... why do you always make it about yourself?"

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