84. Warhead Wren

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Twig raised his hands reluctantly, held at gunpoint by Mint.

"Did I sleep a day over?" she asked.

"No," Robin panted, fixing up her wounds, "they came a day early... it was just me, Wren, Dominic and BM. Wren's under their control, and BM's... he's not able to help us out right now."

Cece winced, not sure whether to be glad or concerned that Rebound wasn't here.

"That said, go and see if you can wake him up. I... I don't think we can do this without him." Robin continued.

With a concerned nod and a quick smile, Cece rushed off to tend to BM however she could. Robin sighed a deep breath and got to her feet, turning to face the compound. Blasts rang out constantly and consistently - it was a wonder Dominic had been holding his own for so long.

She put on a brave face, and took a deep breath in. She'd just had a draw in a fight against Twig, and now she was headed after the girl she'd just watched beat BM like he was nothing?

No... there was no time for thinking like that. This wasn't something she could avoid, anyway...

"Time to go get Wren."


Dominic slammed into the wall of the training room hard, but the brunt of the landing was taken by his wings, extended from a single feather stuffed into the back of his shirt. Recovering quickly, he ran straight back towards Wren. She was hitting him with a tireless onslaught, and keeping up was his only chance at survival, no matter how much his muscles screamed for rest.

As he ran back towards her, he saw her preparing to shoot out more explosive orbs, and brushed his hand against his necklace. From the knot behind his neck, the string wrapped around his waist and lunged across the room in all directions, building a quick web for him to traverse.

The strings dragged him upwards as he leapt forwards, the energy orbs whizzing just under his feet. Dominic rose high into the air, before retracting the necklace and pulling a bottle cap from his pocket. But it wasn't its turn, not quite yet - Dominic instead extended his feather into a wide wingspan, slowing his descent. He smiled confidently; he didn't even need to touch the objects with his hands anymore, just with his body. Experience was proving to be a good teacher...

As he descended on Wren, he delivered a swift kick to her arms, held up in front of her face, exuding greed, lust, pure NEED for blood to be shed and lives to be lost. She shrugged off the blow with a quick cackle, and stuck her hands out to return a massive blast - but soon found herself blocked by a large, shadowy circle. It was the bottle cap, flicked down and extended in all directions by Dominic, forming a wide barrier between him and Wren. Annoyed but uncaring, she blew it away anyway, taking Dominic with it.

But as she did, chains shot into the ground all around her, caging her in - and shadow fell over her as the bottle cap came slamming back down.

It smashed into her, crushing her into the ground as Dominic rolled off of it behind her. In pure rage, Wren blew the chains between her and Dominic apart as he was still recovering from his drop and receding them.

He gasped as she dashed through them, unwavering despite her injuries. Thinking fast, he held out the bottle cap in front of him again, but could only make a small shield before she jumped directly onto it, crashing them both to the ground as the bottle cap rolled aside.

Straddling Dominic, Wren raised her hand above her head with a grin twisted by the same raw bloodlust that swirled in her eyes, and burnt in the black embers around her. Dominic retaliated with a jab to the stomach, causing her to falter - but mainly, allowing him to extend the ring on his finger into a long pole that carried her far above him.

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