95. Recovery Period 4

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Wren woke up. She felt like she had just woken up for the first time, but she knew this wasn't true.

Because in the medbay, her weary head lay in the lap of Robin, whose smile beamed down at her, whose eyes welled up with relief, whose lips failed to suppress a gentle giggle.

"Hi, Wrennie."

Eyelids rising and falling sluggishly, Wren examined the situation, recalling everything that had happened. The walls were bright, white, plain.


"No, not heaven." Robin responded, stroking her hair lovingly. "We saved you. No matter how hard you tried to die... idiot."

As numb, cold, and puffy as her body felt, Wren quickly became aware of an unbearable ache in her midriff. She tried to sit up with a pained grunt, and fell back with a more pained squeak.

"I know, I know, I know- it's ok. Everything important down there got a temporary fix, but this wasn't like losing a hand. I can't just put a new piece in there and wait for you to wake up so your body can accept it..."

"I'm awake NOW." Wren shifted in discomfort. "Sorry. It just... yknow."

Robin nodded, taking her hand.

"I know. I'll get on it now. But a lot's happened, with a lot of people... let's talk. What happened in there?"

"Well, me and DV fought, obviously. But I don't think she was trying to kill me... I think she was just trying to hurt me as much as possible, until the end. However she knows me, she clearly hates me."

"Actually, me and BM talked about it, and... we have a different theory."

Wren was intrigued, but was struggling to focus as Robin ran her hands along the gaping wound in her midriff, little roots pulling at her skin.

"See, she was nearly able to take us on alone - but still, she's been sending her men after us, and even her men's men. As you said, she was just hurting you, and even before then she chose to possess you instead of killing you outright. She also seemed pretty satisfied leaving with just me dead, until you came and saved me."

At the last part, Robin blushed a little, giving Wren's hand a squeeze. But...

"Wait." Wren interrupted, "How did you survive? That tentacle went right through your head."

Robin sighed.

"Well, like I said, I need to be conscious for my body to accept new plant matter to heal. Luckily, I was - and even though I was pretty destroyed, my plants did most of the work. Still, it was careful work." Robin shook her head sadly. "I'm... I'm almost entirely plant, Wren."

Feeling a little guilty for bringing up a clearly sensitive subject, Wren pondered what it meant - and quickly decided it meant nothing.

"You're a beautiful plant. Better than flowers!"

With a sweet giggle, Robin continued.

"Anyway, we actually think that DV explicitly DOESN'T want to kill you, strange as that sounds. Does that sound right?"

"...Yeah, actually. There was a bit where I played all pathetic, and she seemed to stop herself from killing me. And when she actually tried, she really did rush it and leave..."

"Well, then, that's... something. Look, I've heard you have some feelings about finding out that you might be why we're getting targeted, but honestly, me and BM think you're DV's only weakness. We need you, ok?"

Wren averted her eyes awkwardly.

"Yeah... and BM's... ok, right?"

"I am, yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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