57. Getting In (CB ARC 6)

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"Shit! What's going on in there... why the hell hasn't BM fixed all this yet?" Nick hissed warily.

They and the two boys had hidden around the corner, as two lookouts remained outside the hangar. Tenson returned, having gone off to check the perimeter for any other way in.

"Nothing. This place is sealed shut with huge metal shutters in every door and window that I can't even scratch... it's a full lockdown."

"Guess we'll just have to do our best to help everyone where we can. Lets take out these lookouts." Dominic reasoned. Tenson nodded in stoic agreement.

"Woah, hey hey. I- I'll go first! What're they g- gonna do, kill me? Cmon, just in case they're super dangerous..." Nicki interrupted nervously. Tenson and Dominic just looked at each other.

"Uh... yeah, obviously. That was always the plan." Tenson returned.

"Oh, well, I don't know. I just thought you guys might argue for my safety, but whatever. Sure. Cool. Fine."


Twist leaned against the metal shutter, and sighed. Aziza just fiddled impatiently, sitting crosslegged on the ground.

"Sucks I can't be in there, Azzy. I mean, I spent all that time getting Mike right on the roof, waiting for our big ones to be in the same room - I did that. You assholes all just waited for me to do all the hard stuff so you could go do the fun bit."

Aziza looked up at him.

"I don't get to."

"Shut up. What the hell are you wearing, anyway?"

She looked back down at the ground, embarrassed.

"It's... it's a cosplay. Of that one guy from the anime, that clone guy. I thought, y'know, what better to wear than his superhero suit, or, well, villain suit. It's gotta be tactical, right?"

"Is it?"


"Thought not. You look like a dumbass. If you're just gonna embarrass me, don't come next time."

Aziza sunk into her posture slightly, visibly hurt and annoyed.

Suddenly, some guy in a lace top, tactical pants, and a pink velvet robe stepped out. White hair, too. What a weird sight...

"Heyyyyyy! Would you two just hear me ou-"

They were interrupted by a bullet smacking into their face, shattering their jaw. The shot had come from Twist, who was taken aback to see that there was a leak in these asshole's own security systems. This could NOT go wrong... and now it was on him to fix it.

But Nick kept standing, narrowing their eyes annoyedly. With a single wipe of their hand over their destroyed face, it was instantly returned to its normal state.

"Hey! Dick move!" they shouted, beginning a reckless dash straight towards Twist.

"What the fuck?" Twist exclaimed, falling backwards. But as he did, his arms rapidly swiveled fully in their sockets inhumanly, like they were attached to motors instead of joints. Flabbergasted, he was quickly back on his feet.

Aziza flinched and cowered down behind him, having been startled by the gunshot. She clutched her ears, before feeling a brutal tug on her arm.

"Get the hell up, Azzy, you useless sack of shit!" Twist screamed, firing off two more panicked shots at a charging Nick. One slugged them in the shin, causing them to fall forwards heavily.

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