A Long Halloween Night-Micheal Myers

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This chapter is lemon and includes fluff.

Today is Halloween, the day Micheal Myers came back to exact his revenge. 

It is also the day Absinthe Oleander, supposedly died. Absinthe was different from the other girls, she was tougher, larger, and stronger than them. At the age of 10 she could bench press 100, and dead-lift 150, when she was 16 she flipped a sedan over. She also had a mean streak, she had been sent to Juvie three times, the first for vandalizing a school, specifically ripping a door off its hinges, the second time for assaulting a fellow student, And the third for attempted murder, she tried to kill the perverted math teacher ended up breaking five ribs, his jaw and both his legs, he spent 4 months in the hospital. But after all that she was still accepted to Haddonfield university. She died because of a series of ignored concussions, after unknowingly playing six games and receiving a concussion in each one, she collided with a fellow player during the championship game. Her spine was compressed and snapped, due to many injuries sustained in football games, the right side of the skull was caved in, with in the next ten minutes she was dead, or so they thought.  

Micheal walked the streets of Haddonfeild waiting for some drunk, idiotic, teenager to walk by him. Instead a frantic and bloodied teen came barreling into him, he grabbed the teen and raised his knife. Before he could plunge his knife into their heart, a figure appeared and knocked Micheal away from the teen. Micheal fell to the ground and watched the figure walk over to the teen and lift them into the air, they then placed both their hands on either side of their soon to be victim's head. They slowly started to crush the victim's skull, an ear piercing scream erupted from the victim. The figure after partially caving in the teens head just enough to cause an excruciating amount of pain but not kill them, grabbed their lower jaw and with one swift motion ripped it off entirely. The teen now laid on the ground, tears running down their cheeks now waiting for death to take them. The mysterious figure then turned to Micheal and slowly approached him, they stopped  in front of him and bent over stuck out their hand. Micheal was surprised but took the offer and grabbed the fellow killers hand. Once standing he got a better look at the killer and realized that they are wearing a Haddonfeild university football uniform. He also notices that the player is  a women, by her stance and figure. He then started to study her face, there was a broken part of her helmet that exposed part of her skull and brain, the face mask was mangled and after a while of studying he noticed her jaw was broken. He watched her stare at him, there was no words but with small eye movements and tiny hand gestures he could tell that she was pleased to have company for the hunt. And to be honest he enjoyed having company on the hunt sometimes he would join Jason or Ghostface when they wanted to go on a rampage. And with a simple turn of the head she told him that she wanted to got down orange street, he nodded and off they went. Two powerful slasher walking together till they find there next victim.  The silience between them was natural, for most people it would have been considered awkward or uncomfortable, but for them it was nice. Every once in a while Micheal would steal a glance at her, after about ten minutes of walking it struck him, he realzed he had no idea what her name is. He stopped and motioned towards her, she quickly understood what he was saying and wrote her name on the sidewalk with blood,  

*Absinthe Oleander, what a beautiful name she has* he thought , Micheal motioned towards himself and in response to his question she signed *Micheal Myers*, unfortunately Micheal didn't know what she was saying. So she just wrote out his name on the sidewalk. He nodded now officially meeting, he pointed in the direction they were going and they continued walking. After a while of walking they came across a group of kids trick or treating, since none of them were there preferred victims they went to walk past. But then they both noticed that some teens stole the candy from the kids, without saying a word they both knew what they had to do. They walked in the direction of the group, the teens now taunting the kids. Micheal walked behind the kids and stared at the teens, who slowly backed up into Absinthe. She grabbed the two teens with the candy and held them still, even though they tried to get away with no avail.  The kids turned around and realized who was standing before them, Micheal reached over them and grabbed the bags of candy. He held them for a second and gave them back to the kids, all four of them hugged Micheal and thanked him before running off.  However one stayed behind, Micheal who had now turned his attention to the two thief's, Absinthe lifted the thief's into the air and slammed them into one another. Once they were unconscious she dropped them to the ground. Micheal then turned to the child that stayed behind and walked towards them. He kneeled down and hugged them. The child that stayed behind was Jamie, she  hugged back and pulled off her clown mask, she gave her uncle a kiss on the forehead. Absinthe watched the two embrace, after a minute they let go of each other. The two then walked over to Absinthe. 

*Hello, my name is Absinthe, what is your name?* She signed to Jaimie. 

*My name is Jamie Myers, he is my uncle.* Jamie signed and gestured to Micheal, who was very confused on what was happening. Absinthe nodded then noticed that a police cruiser was passing by slowly, she watched it then turned her attention back to the family reunion. Micheal took Jamie's hand in his own, and started walking towards his house. Absinthe went to go the other way but Jamie ran over and tapped her. 

*If you want you can come home with us?" She signed to Absinthe, Absinthe nodded in response. And followed the two to their home. 


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