Daughters Opinion-Agent whiskey

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It had been eight months since Agent Bourbon left the Statesman. She was a good Agent but had a temper and was extremely dangerous. The Statesman had tried on numerous times to convince Her to come back but every time she refused. So Champ, head of the Statesman, Sent his number one agent to talk to her. 

Agent Bourbon at the moment was competing in an underground fighting ring. She was fighting a 6'4, 200 pound, muscular man and she was winning. She was short but faster and stronger than her opponent. Bourbon was relentless with her punches, she didn't stop stiking him until she heard the bell ring. She stopped mid punch and backed up, she turned to the crowd, they cheered, screaming her name. Bourbon scanned the crowd and saw Agent Whiskey, she glared at him, knowing exactly why he was here. She left the arena and walked through the crowd, focused entirely on Whiskey. Once she was standing right in front of him, he started to clap. 

"You put on quite a show, Bourbon." Whiskey slowly stops clapping and notices that Bourbon is clenching her fists. 

"Well the money is good, plus it isn't really time consuming." She says coldly, not wanting to interact with anyone from Statesman. 

"Whiskey-Jack call me Jack." Jack interrupts her, she stops and glares at him. 

"Jack I know why you're here, and nothing you say can make me come back and work for the Statesman". Jack sighs and look away before making eye contact again.His eyes now showing that he was determined. 

"Please." He says pleadingly, he takes a step forward and places his hand on her shoulder. Bourbon takes a step back and brushes Jack's hand off her shoulder. 

"Please? Thats it Jack?:" She says with a hint of annoyance, she looks around the room, looking for an escape from this conversation. 

"Please just come back and work with me please, Xiomara please." Jack pleads, he takes Xiomara's hand in his and uses his eyes to beg. 

"I can't it isn't my choice to make." She says honestly as she pulls her hand away and walks away, leaving the fight club. Jack stands there for a moment before walking to his car and driving to the address Champ had given him, it was supposedly Xiomara's address. After about fifteen minutes of driving, Jack finds the house but doesn't see Xiomara's car parked in the drive way. Jack parks his Bronco and gets out, he then looks at the mail and see's that its addressed to Xiomara. He puts the mail back and opens the gate, Jack then sits down on the porch and waits for Xiomara to arrive. Jack only had to wait a few minutes before Xiomara's car pulls up, she stares at Jack for a while before getting out of the car. She silently walks into the yard and stands in front of Jack. He goes to say something but Xiomara holds up her hand, to tell him not to speak, she walks past him and opens the door. 

"You coming or what?" She says obviously annoyed by Jacks presence, Jack then quickly gets up and follows her into the house, closing the door behind him. The house is two stories, with pictures of friends, a couple featuring him, and then there was paintings. Xiomara walks into the living room, where a teenage girl is sitting doing homework. 

"Olina, this is Jack, he was sent to convince me to work for the Statesman again, explain why you don't want me to work there." Xiomara says while pointing to Jack before walking into the kitchen.

There was a moment of silence before Olina spoke.

"I asked my mom not to work for the Statesman because I-I wanted her here with me." Olina says quietly, Jack could feel his heart breaking as he watched the teen girl so sad. 

"I'll tell my boss that... Sweetheart where is you father?" He asks as he sits down closer to her Olina. She looks up with tears in her eyes, she goes to speak but nothing comes out. Jack was now on the verge of tears, he then hesitatingly pulled Olina into a hug and rested his chin on the top of her head. 

"I'm adopted, my biological parents left me at the fire station in Mexico." She struggles to say, tears now rushing down her cheeks. Jack was barely able to hold it together, he held her tighter and tries to comfort her the best he can. Xiomara watched from the kitchen door, she smiled when she saw Jack comfort Olina. Xiomara then slowly walks over to the two and sits across from them on a chair. She says nothing and waits for the two to no longer be crying. Once they calm down Xiomara smiles. 

"So Olina what do you think?" Xiomara asks listening intently to her adopted daughters answer. Jack looks between the two with a confused look on his face. 

"I think he is a good man." She says with a smile on her face before getting up and walking to her room upstairs. Jack was still confused but is slowly catching in to what Olina meant.

"Would you like to go on a date, Jack?" Xiomara says, slightly leaning forward. Jack was a mix of emotions but the main one was joy. Jack pounces forward smashing his lips into Xiomara's, locking them into a passionate kiss. After a minute of kissing Jack pulls away and gently cares's her cheek.

"I would love to." He says before locking her in a passionate kiss once more. They only stop kissing when they hear foot steps coming down from the stairs. The two turn and see Olina walking over to them, Jack and Xiomara move apart so Olina can sit between them. Olina indeed sits between them and then she puts on her favorite movie, The Great Wall. Jack sighs for a moment, when he sees that its that The Great Wall, he always thought Pero Tovar was a prick. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt his fingers intertwine with Xiomara's. He smiled and goes back to watching the movie.


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