Villains-Marcus Moreno

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"Madame Fright has struck again, rendering some of the most powerful heroes immobilized by their worst nightmares." The monitor in The Heroics head quarters repeated. Every member of the team was standing in the main tech room, all petrified to leave the room. This time Madame Fright attacked Miracle Guy. She made him weep like a child after showing him his greatest fear. Marcus was sitting at his desk thinking about how they'd stop her, but his phone started to ring. He looked at his phone and saw that his daughter's school was calling, he answers the call. 

"Hello?" He says, a bit anxious of why the school called. They told him that Madame Fright had kidnapped his daughter, Missy. Marcus then dropped his phone and sprinted to his car, he ran through the building, knocking people down as he ran. Once he was outside, he got into his car and sped to the abandoned amusement park. The amusement park was about thirty minutes away from town but since Marcus was driving so fast he got there within nine minutes. Marcus then busted down the door of the haunted house and walked inside, but instead of seeing Missy scared for her life. He saw Missy sitting on a couch, while Madame Fright handed her a sandwich. Madame Fright sets the plate down and removes the apron turning to Marcus. 

"How nice of you to stop by. Your just in time for lunch." She says while watching him, she didn't really want to fight Marcus but if it was necessary she willingly would. 

"Hi dad." Missy says before taking a bite out of her sandwich, Marcus nods to her and keeps his eyes on me.

"Now I didn't just pull this stunt to get you to join me for lunch... I have a daughter like you and she requested to... Meet you." Madame Fright says a bit disappointed that her daughter wanted to be a superhero when she grew up. 

"Wait... You kidnapped my daughter just so your kid can meet me?" He says a bit dumbfounded and annoyed. 

"Sadly yes." She said while rubbing her temples, oddly the whole situation made Marcus laugh. After a moment he stopped and then a girl around twelve years old walks up to him, she looked very much like Madame Fright, the girl handed him a magazine with a photo of him on the front.

"Could you sign this?" The girl asks politely, and of course Marcus signed the magazine. Which made the girl smile, she then walked away staring at Marcus's signature.

"Thanks mom." She says as she walks away. Madame Fright then looks back to Marcus.

"I'd say sorry for the scare but I'd be lying. You look good Marcus, not at all look like you miss being a real hero." She says teasingly, every villain heard about Marcus retirement. We all had a were betting when he'd finally snap.

"Also please try to snap near Christmas if it's possible." She says with a smile, loving the look of irritation and acceptance on his face.

"That's all I wanted to say, you may leave." Madame Fright then turned to find her daughter.
"Hey!" Marcus said as he jogged over to Fright, making sure to tell his daughter he'd be right back. Fright stops and looks at Marcus, a grimace look appears on her face when she looks at his outfit.

"Since your daughter seems to want to be a hero, have you thought of changing sides?" Marcus asks extremely interested in her answer.

"I have. And then I laughed at the idea." Fright said with a wicked smile across her face.

"Well tomorrow why don't you come to the HQ and we'll see if you can be a hero." Marcus said with a warm smile.

"I think I will, actually." Fright says as she turns to leave and find her daughter. 

"See yourself out." She calls back, while disappearing into the darkness.  Marcus then collects Missy, his daughter, and drives home. 


One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora