A Real Cowboy-Ken

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Ken had decided that he wanted to leave Barbieland and live in the real world. He got an apartment, which he called his mojo dojo casa house, he then got a car, a red truck to be exact. And now he's driving to an interview, a job interview. If everything goes to plan he'd be able to work with horses, though he'd never ridden a horse before, actually he'd never seen one before. He'd very much hope that his soon to be boss would like him and ignore the fact he has no experience with horses.  He soon drove into the driveway of the ranch, he say a large barn, about four arenas, and a small cabin. He got out of his truck and walked to the barn, once inside he saw horses in their stalls, all quiet and eating. But one horse stood out to him, it was a white-grey bucking horse, it had a long mane, which had been braided, shiny shoes, which had been polished, and a clean coat, which had been brushed. Ken was mesmerized by the horses beauty, he stepped forward and reached his hand out to pet the horses face, his hand was inches away from the horses face. 

"I wouldn't do that." A voice said from the other side of the barn, Ken jumped back, frightened by the voice. The figure, voice, chuckled and walked over to Ken. 

"I'm guessing you'r the new hire." The figure says, their voice was raspy but feminine, the figure pulled down their mask, revealing a beautiful woman, with a large scar on her left cheek. Ken noticed the scar but he thought it added to her character, given he doesn't know her, but he had a feeling it made her a better person for having a small imperfection. 

"Y-yeah, I'm here for the interview." Ken stuttered still a little scared, the woman nodded and thought for a moment. 

"Your hired, follow me." She says and then walks away, Ken quickly catches up with her, a smile plastered on his face. The woman then stopped at a wheel barrow and poo-fork.

"This is what you start as, you'll clean all the barn stalls." She says and then turns to leave.

"Thank you." Ken call out to her, and she turn with a smile on her face, she nods and then keeps walking away. Ken then realizes that he doesn't know her name but he stops himself and watches her leave before grabbing the poo-fork and wheel barrow before starting cleaning the barn stalls. He had a smile on his face, not because he was going to enjoy shoveling horse shit, but because his boss was a kind woman, plus he'd get to see that beautiful horse. 


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