Three Months Suspended: Part Two

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Around 4:30 in the morning Maya woke up, she then yawns and goes to get up but is pined down by Jacks arm. After a few minutes of struggling she manages to crawl out of bed without waking Jack. She then looks up and sees Rip, Lloyd and Kayce watching her. She groans and then grabs some clothes from her bag, then heads into the bathroom to change. She didn't put her bandanna back on, but it doesn't matter the three didn't bother to look. After a few minutes she walks out clean and in a new outfit. She then walks back to the bunk puts her hat, boots and bandanna on. She then leans over and kisses Jack on the cheek, which quickly wakes him and he attempts to kiss her lips but she pulls away too fast. Maya waves goodbye to the men and leaves the Bunkhouse to start working the bulls. 

It takes Jack and the other Bunkmates ten minutes to get dressed and ready for work. Rip tells everyone their horses for the day and what need to be done. Everyone then separates and goes to do their work, Jack walks over to the bull pen and sees Maya having a bull running around to get used to the saddle. Jack walks to bull pen and climbs to the top, so he is sitting on the top of the pipe carol. 

"Well I'll be damned, I have never seen some one so brave or stupid enough to ride a bull."He laughed to himself and smiled as he watched the bull run. 

"This here is House Mouse, he's my saddle bull." Maya tells House Mouse to halt and he does, she then walks to him and puts a birdle on him. Maya then mounts him and sits in the saddle, she then walks him around. 

"Don't you have work to do?" Maya says with a hint of annoyance, as she focuses on  House Mouse's movements. 

"Don't tell me you all of a sudden don't like my company, and besides I got till the end of the day to work those horses." Jack replies with a smirk plastered on his face, he waits a moment snd then hops off the pipe coral. He then walks to the center of the pen and watch her work the bull. 

"Why don't you hop off and give me a turn?" He says flirtatiously hoping to impress her, she smiles under her bandana and hops off House Mouse. Jack then walks over confidently, hops on and within ten seconds House mouse has thrown him into the dirt.  House Mouse then walks over to Maya who is laughing so hard that she fall onto the ground still laughing. House Mouse snorts and nudges her gently to see if she was alright. Jack then groans as he slowly stands up and climbs out of the pen, his pride hurt just as much as his side. Maya's side hurt but because she was laughing so hard. After another moment of laughing she noticed that Jack had left, so she untacks House Mouse and puts him back in his pen, before heading off to find Jack. It took Maya ten minutes to find Jack working one of the new stallion, it looked like he was having some trouble with it too.And before Maya reached the arena Jack was thrown into the dirt face first. Maya winces at she sees him hit the ground, she then quickly jumps the fence and grabs Jack's hat. She walks over to him and hears him let out a loud groan, he slowly sits on his knees and spits out dirt, his aviator glasses broken. Maya sits on the ground next to him and wipes the dirt off his face before putting his hat back on him, Jack forces a small smile. 

"Why don't you do and put ice on your face, while i work the horse." She says while slowly standing him up and helping him out of the arena. Jack didn't say a word, he just did as she told him to and walked to the bunkhouse. Once Maya was sure Jack couldn't see her, she turned and walked up to the stallion. It immediately reared up and strike the air, Maya ignored the horses threat and began to gently pet it. The stallion then started to calm down and even let Maya pet its face. After a while of calming pets, she mounted the stallion and started to walk around the arena. The stallion was antsy but didn't act up, once Maya felt more comfortable with the horse she had him trot and canter. After that Maya untacked the horse and put it back in its stall before walking back to the bunkhouse. Once she got there she saw the other wranglers sitting at the table, but didn't see Jack. She looked to Lloyd and he pointed to her bunk, she turned and saw Jack sitting on the bunk, holding a ice pack to his nose. Maya smiles slightly and she walks over to the bunk, she grabs a chair and pulls it so she could sit in front of Jack. Jack looks up, still holding the ice pack to his nose, and smile when he sees Maya sitting in font of him.

"How's the nose?" She asks, genuinely concerned for his well being. 

"Its fine, i just bruised it and got a cut." He says as he removes the ice pack, there is a deep gash going between his eye brows.

"That'll leave a rather nice scar. Oh and speaking of scars." She says as she pulls off her bandanna revealing a deep scar on her cheek. The scar was from a bull that pierced its horn through her cheek, it left a small whole closer to the back of her mouth. Maya looked down and went to put the bandanna back on but Jack stopped her, he then gently caressed her scared cheek before planting a kiss on the scar. Maya giggled and kissed Jack on the cheek, before standing and walking over to the other wrangler though she didn't put the bandanna back on. Lloyd handed her a beer and she sat down watching the TV. After a minute Jack followed and sit right next to Maya, he snaked his arm around her waist. And then kissed her neck before resting his head on her shoulder.  

---The end

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