Inside Out (by Eve6)-Nolan Grayson

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Hey, to the readers this one is extrememly short. I'm working on more than one thing at a time at the moment. Also Inside Out by Eve 6 is one of my fav songs.

Brains. Brains on the wall. Brains on the floor. Brains under my finger nails. Why must brains be so squishy? Squishy like jello or jam. Humans brains always are so squishy. It feels...good to squish it in my hands. Oh this looks good....too good. Almost good enough to eat, it looks good enough to eat. Licking brains off my hands is the best part about killing people, the very...very best part. I think brains are the sweetest and the tangiest of the human parts you can eat. 

___To the average person this would sound insane, but to BonBon, it was normal. BonBon is, for lack of a better word, completely fucking nuts. She is a five foot and six inches tall woman, who has long black hair, round green eyes, full lips, and a heart face shape. Besides her mental state, she was average, that's if you ignore her cannibalism. Which, Nolan does ignore.____

Brains, so tasty. Wonder when Nolan will come see me. He has such a cute mustache. Hehehe. Nom. Nom. Nom.

"Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-do.....Daddy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo.....Daddy Shark-Nolan!" I stop singing and lay back on the floor, giggling. I then look up at him and hold my hand out to him. 

____Nolan stood tall and stepped closer to BonBon, he stood over her. He could crush her skull with the heel of his boot. But instead he sighed and sat down, he then reached forward and hook his arms under hers. He then pulls her close to him, close enough so that the back of her head was resting in his lap. He positioned on either side of her body and wrapped his arms around her waist. Nolan took a deep breathe before resting his chin on the top of her head.___ 

"How many people did you eat?" Why must she always eat people. Ugh, she always get so covered in blood.......She looks cute when shes coated in blood though.

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