The Bookie--Holland March

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Holland and Jackson private investigators. The two worked hard and got paid, they did good work and never once did they not solve a case. Sure they were shot multiple times, and had to go the hospital on occasion. But neither of them died, so thats good. At the moment they are at Holland's new house, they both had gotten shot at while they were on a case. Holly, Holland's twelve year old daughter, was giving them bandaids and yoo-hoos. They were all sitting in the kitchen drinking their yoo-hoos and relaxing. But this didn't last long, there was a knock on the door. Holly sighs and then walks to the door, she opens it and sees a tall woman. The woman is wearing a nice three piece suit, she had short brown hair which was combed back, and a large scar over her right eye, her right eye was grew. The woman then smiled and looked down at Holly, and forced a shy smile. 

"Holly who's at the door?" Holland yelled from the kitchen, starting to get concerned for his daughters safety. 

"May I come in, Holly?" The woman asked, she had a raspy Russian accent, but for her intimidating appearecnce she was kind to Holly. Holly then nodded and setteped aside letting the woman into the house. The woman walks inside and makes her way to the kitchen, she walked calmly and was as straight as a board. Her stature like that of a soldier, once inside the kitchen she stopped and looked to the two men. Holly decided to go into her room, just incase it was going to get violent. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Holland asked a bit concerned and confused. The woman smiled and looked at Jackson. 

"I am an old friend of Jacks." She says while smiling and staring into Jacks soul. 

"Yeah, she was my bookie when I lived in Brookleyn." Jack says with a hint of worry in his voice. Hollands face turned to one of horror, not wanting to me in a room with someone who poses a threat. 

"Do not worry Jack, I am here because of him." I say while turning and facing Holland, who then inhaled a sharp breathe and started to sweat. 

"W-why are you here for me?" He managed to say, Jack took the opportunity to leave the room and check on Holly, ignoring Holland's please to not leave him alone. 

"I am here because of your daughter, Holly." She says and she steps forward and sits at the table across from Holland. 

"What did my daughter do?" He says leaning forward now even more scared and concerned but not just for him but also Holly. 

"My employers son does to school with your daughter, and she broke his noise in three places." She says in a calm tone, no longer smiling, but she didn't show any intent or agression. 

"Oh god you'r gonna break my knees." He says now starting to have a panic attack.

"Calm down, I am not here to hurt you or you'r daughter. I am here because my employer wishes for me to visit and ensure you'r family's safety." She says in a kind tone, attempting to appear less menacing. 

"What?!" Holland yells in a high pitched tone, not expecting her to say that.

"My employer has a soft spot, in her heart and wishes for me over your family. You are detective, yes? People often want you dead, so it is good idea to have someone.....protecting, yes?" She says trying her best to make sense, you could tell that english wasn't her first language. 

"Yeah, I'm a detective-Wait how did....never mind actually I don't want to know. But you are right it'd be easier if I didn't have to worry about my daughter's safety so much.....Alright then um I'm not sure how to proceed." He says slightly leaning forward, his breathing now calm, his posture relaxed. Holland then started to take in the beauty of the woman sitting before him. She had gorgeous cheek bones, beautiful blue eyes, he noticed her scar but it didn't bother him, in fact he thought it added to her beauty. The woman noticed his gaze change from fear and worry to admiration. This made the woman chuckle, she looked down for a moment before making eye contact once more. 

"Here is my card, I won't be far." She handed him a card with her number and name on it, before standing up and leaving the house. Holland listened to the door click, telling him it had shut. He then sighs and takes a sip of his yoo-hoo, he fiddles with the card in his hand. 

Vic what a beautiful name...for a beautiful woman. 


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