School Day-Maxwell Lord

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After the fall of Black Gold, Maxwell needed to find a job somewhere. Fortunately for him Alistair's school needed a Math teacher. Maxwell jumped at opportunity and reluctantly was hired. Maxwell had worked there for a year now, he was only able to make friends with the history teacher, Mrs.Jackson. He would often sit with her at lunch, she was standoffish with him when he first got there but after a while they became friends. Maxwell and Alistair even got invited to her Christmas party, where they got to meet Mrs.Jacksons wife, Mary. 

Today was like no other, Maxwell drove to the school and walked to his classroom. He always made sure to greet Mrs.Jackson, but other than that he wouldn't bother to greet the other teachers, they'd always make rude remarks towards him. Maxwell never acknowledged them though, he never fought back either. He just wanted to keep his job and make it through the day. Maxwell was on his way to the teacher's lounge to say 'Hi' to Mrs.Jackson, but he saw that she was already talking to a new teacher. He slowly walked over to the two, the new teacher wore a black bandanna and a flat-top cap, they also wore jeans, a long sleeve shirt with a jacket, and black combat boots. Ms.Jackson says bye to the new teacher and greets Maxwell as she leaves the room. Maxwell then walks over to the new teacher and puts his hand out to shake. The new teacher gladly accepts the handshake. 

"Hi, I'm the new PE teacher, Ms. Alcista." Ms. Alcista says while firmly shaking Maxwells hand.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Alcista, I'm Max." He says calmly while pulling his hand back, Ms. Alcista eyes squint slightly.

"You teach Math, right Max?" She says while picking up a cup of coffee. 

"Yeah, I teach math." He says looking around, the conversation was now rather quiet and awkward now. There were a few minutes of silence before one of them speaks again. 

"Valentina Alcista." Valentina says before leaving the teachers lounge and heading to the playground, leaving Max by himself. He thought about how beautiful her name was, he also thought why she was covering so much of her arms and face, he then remembered that all tattoo's had to be covered when on school grounds. Max would soon leave and head to his class, once school was in session Valentina introduced herself to the students and explained that she wasn't allowed to show her tattoos, which is why she is wearing a hat and mask. She started all her class's with a few laps around the playground, then she let the kids play a sport of their choice. Valentina would even play with the students and teach them new sports like field hockey, Rugby, and Tennis. When it was time for lunch break she stayed and ate her lunch with the students and played even more with them. Her students loved her, plus they thought it was really cool she had tattoos. Once the day was over she walked her last class, which included, Alistair, to the front office before heading to the teacher lounge. She was about to open the door to the teacher lounge but someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around and saw Alistair. 

"Alistair, why are you still here?" She asked looking around for his parent, Alistair didn't look up, he kept his head down. Valentina kneeled down and saw that Alistair had a large bruise on his cheek, she gasped.

"Did you get hit?" She asked looking over his face to see if there was any other bruises. Alistair says nothing he just nods, averting eye contact. Valentina looks around and pats his back before standing to full height. 

"Follow me kid." She says as she walks down to the playground, Alistair following close behind her. She stops when they are by the shade of trees and turns to Alistair, she then takes off her mask and hat. Revealing she had short black hair, many scars on her face and neck, but one scar went right across her eye. She takes off her jacket and sets it on a tree branch. 

"Alistair you don't have to tell me who punched you, but I do want to show you how to defend yourself, okay?" She says looking down at him with a warm smile. Alistair nods and sets his backpack down on the floor. 

"Alright then." She says before quickly showing Alistair the basics of self defense, she taught him enough to protect himself but not enough to really hurt someone. Alistair was hesitant when punching the air but he did it none the less. After a while of training Valentina called it a day and walked Alistair back to the front of the school. Once they reached the front the two sat down on the stairs. 

"Where's your parent?"  She asked turning to Alistair as they sat waiting on the stairs. 

"My dad is Mr. Lord." He said looking around the empty street. Valentina nods and looks around waiting for Maxwell to be done. After about fifteen minutes of waiting, the front doors to the school open and Maxwell walks quickly to the two, looking a tad bit concerned when he say the bruise on Alistair's face.

"W-What happened?" Maxwell said looking at Valentina so concerned for his sons wellbeing he didn't notice Valentinas tattoo's and scars. 

"He didn't say, thats why I sat with him just incase...I taught him how to defend himself." She said honestly while looking at Maxwell. He nodded and looked back at Alistair who was averting eye contact. Only when he looked back at Valentina he saw her tattoo's and scars, he scanned them before smiling. He thought the tattoo's suit her and somehow added to her natural beauty. 

"I should get going." She says while looking off into the distance feeling slightly uncomfortable cause of him staring. 

"Oh I'm so sorry for staring. I-I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable..Thank you for looking out for my son." He says mentally kicking himself for making her feel uncomfortable, he awkwardly smiles, though he truly was grateful. 

"It's fine, not the first time someone starred....It's no problem, your sons a good kid. See you tomorrow Max." She says as she walks away, making sure to wave goodbye to Alistair. Maxwell stands there for a moment before taking his son and going home, once home he put ice on his eye. Alistair was tired and didn't want dinner so he just went to bed. Maxwell sits on the couch for a while before going to bed. When he was in bed all he could think of was his son and the worry he felt for who was bullying his son, he then thought of Valentina and her kindness towards Alistair. Maxwell then smile and goes to bed both dreading and excited for the next day.

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