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Okay so this is just me like releasing this since I haven't written smut in like fucking one or two years so enjoy I guess fuck. Lol. 

Sweet-tooth : He had been alone for a long time, well he had Harold (a paper sand-which bag), but it wasn't the same. He longed for someone to love him, for himself. In actuality he really just wanted a girlfriend, but most woman screamed and ran away when they saw him. Well that was until he met Rosie, she didn't fear him, in fact she hugged Sweet-tooth. He hadn't been hugged in a long time. She was kind, caring and loving towards him. She never yelled or tried to attack him.  She was like him, she also wished to be loved, Sweet-tooth was more than willing to love her right

At the moment the two where slaughtering a group of butchers, Rosie was gutting one of them with her obsidian knife when she left Sweet-tooth hug her from behind. Her head snapped up and she looked at Sweet-tooth, who was burying his masked face into her neck. He was leaning into her, and purposefully aligned his groin with her ass. He was gently rocking his groin into her slowly, it didn't take her long to figure out what he was doing, she also noticed that there wasn't a gun in his pocket. Rosie tried her best not to moan but she couldn't handle the enchanting sensation of him rubbing his bulge into her encaged puss, and she moaned in pleasure, loud enough for the spirits on the other side to hear. Her sudden outburst made Sweet-tooth chuckle, he then pulled away and adjusted himself. Rosie whimpered and then stood straight, disappointed that Sweet-tooth stopped. Sweet-tooth held out his hand, Rosie gladly accepted it but she pulled her hand back to grab her knife from the corpse, and placed her hand back into his. 

Sweet-tooth then lead her back to his ice cream truck. He then wrapped his arms around her and lifted her onto the of his lip of his truck. He then made sure that she was now lined up perfectly, so he wouldn't have to bend over. Rosie then spread her legs wide enough for him, Sweet-tooth then leaned down and ripped a hole into her pants and then did the same for her panties. Rosie then slapped his hand and shook her head, pretending to be upset. Sweet-tooth caressed her cheek, then undid his belt buckle, and unzipped his pants unleashing his enormous cock. 

He was about to insert it into her beautiful wet puss, when he remembered the condom in his pocket. He then grabs it and tears it open before carefully rolling it onto his cock. He then hooks both his arms under Rosie's knees and hold them up to her chest, he then slowly inserts his cock into her puss. He slowly pushed forward inserting his entire cock into her, she gasped but not in pain, in pleasure. A single tear ran down her cheek, she had a look of ecstasy on her face, she loved this new sensation erupting from her puss. Sweet-tooth waited a second before he started to thrust into her, he wanted for her to be comfortable. After a moment he thrusted deep into her, hitting her walls, making her moan out. Sweet-tooth loved her moans and kept thrusting deep into her, after a few minutes he slowly thrusts faster and harder into her, an erratic melody of grunts and moans fill the air.  Soon both Sweet-tooth and Rosie where enveloped in the feeling of true ecstasy, as well as getting out of breath and sweaty. Rosie was gripping tightly to his shoulders, leaving red marks on him. After a few more minutes of deep, fast, and sloppy thrusting, Rosie finally reaches her climax. She screams out in pleasure feeling a knot build in her stomach,  knowing that soon it would burst, allowing her achieve orgasm. Sweet-tooth was close as well, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep thrusting long before he finished. About six more thrusts and Rosie achieved her long awaited orgasm, she screamed out in pleasure, truly enjoying her wave of ecstasy.  Soon after Sweet-tooth does as well. He continues to thrust until both of their orgasms finished. They then stay in that position for a moment relishing in this glorious feeling. Sweet-tooth then pulled out of her and removed the condom tossing it aside, he then put his pants back on and re-buckled his belt.. He then climbed into the truck and grabbed a blanket, he laid it down, before picking Rosie up and placing her on the blanket. Sweet-tooth kissed her forehead and then sat down next to her. Before laying down next to her and pulling her close to him, they soon fall asleep in each others arms.

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