An Average Day-Maxwell Lord

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Today was the first day, since the starting of Black gold, that Maxwell lord took a day off. Actually more of forced to take the week off, his secretary forced him to leave and told him not to come back till next Monday, it was Tuesday. Maxwell did his best to argue with his secretary but she wouldn't budge and once she forced him out of the building she told the guards to not let him in.  So Maxwell walked down the street looking for a bar to spend the rest of his day at, until he stumbles across a bar, well more of club, called cement boots. He laughed at the odd name of the club and walked to the entrance. 

"Sorry sir, but this is a different kind of club not meant for civilians." Said one of the bouncers, while  he moved to block the door. Maxwell sighed and turned to walk away, but then was stopped by the same guard who told him he wasn't able to go inside. 

"Sorry for the misunderstanding sir, go right in." The bouncer then opened the door for Maxwell, who had a confused look on his face, but didn't want to focus on that matter too much. When he entered the club he saw solid brick walls, a large bar, two stages on separate floors, and an assortment of booths and tables. He even noticed there was a kitchen behind the bar and that you could order food. He smiled as he looked at the older decor and realized that most of the portriats were of infamous crime bosses, his smile grew wider when he realized the theme of the club. He thought it was rather unique, after finished pondering his thoughts he remembered that he's just standing near the door, so he then walks to an empty booth and sits down. When the waitress comes over to take his order he was so distracted by the decor he didn't realize she was standing there. 

"Oh I'm so sorry for making you wait, I'll have a gin martini on the rocks." He said awkwardly trying not to make this interaction anymore awkward then it already was. The waitress nods and walks back to the bar, in the meantime Maxwell enjoyed the beautiful pantings and portraits hung on the wall. HE also took notice to the other people in this establishment all of them had concealed firearms, some wore masks to conceal their identity, and then it dawned on him. This wasn't just any bar it was a criminal bar, he looked around and saw that almost everyone was a convicted criminal. He laughed to himself and then looked at his phone for the time. 

5:30 pm 

He sighed still having two hours to kill before he had to pick his son, Alistair, up from martial arts class. Maxwell was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard glass shattering, he turns to sees a drunk man cursing at the waitress for bumping into him. 

"YOu IDiotic BiTch!" He yells slurring his words, the waitress quickly picks up the broken glass and when she turns to leave the man tightly grabs her arm.

"There is no need for such behavior." A woman wearing a entirely black mask and black suit says, tightly gripping the mans arm until he releases the waitress arm. She quietly thanks the woman and leaves going into the kitchen. The woman doesn't release the man instead with her free hand she takes a piece of broken glass the waitress didn't pick up. And slits the mans throat, making sure that the blade of glass is lodged in the mans throat. She then lets the man fall to the floor as blood gushes from his neck, she takes a step back to make sure that the blood doesn't stain her suit. 

"Well that was a rather violent suicide, my apologies for my out burst folks and the inconvenience to the police who saw that but I'm sure we agree that is was nothing more than a suicide." The woman emphasizes the word suicide. Maxwell was stunned by the violent act the woman commited in front a room of people, but he then turns and waits patiently for his drink to arrive.  The woman then notices Maxwells presence in her establishment and takes his drink form the waitress, she then walks to his booth and set the martini down gently before sitting across from Maxwell. Once Maxwell realizes the woman his now sitting in front of him he gulps and hope she doesn't plan to make the body count two tonight. 

"Good evening Mr.Lord, now tell me what brings you here, to my establishment?" She asks in a low and cold voice. But before Maxwell could answer she spoke again. 

"Oh where are my manners. I am Ms.Graves." Ms.Graves holds her hand out for Maxwell to shake, in which he reluctantly does. 

"I-It is nice to meet you." Maxwell says unsure of what to make of this interaction, Maxwell then slowly pulls his hand away and she does the same.

"Don't worry I'm not going harm you, I just wanted to offer you a business proposition." She Leans forward slightly, and study's Maxwell's expression and facial features. Maxwell leans farther back into his seat and looks to see if she is holding a weapon but to his surprise she isn't, this gives him some comfort and he relaxes slightly. 

"What kind of business proposition?" He asks while sipping his martini, a hint of curiosity to his voice. 

"The kind of business proposition where i hand you ten million dollars." She says confidently, Maxwell practically spits out his martini when he hears this. Ms.Graves laughs softly at his reaction. 

"T-Ten million dollars??? Oh I'm so sorry if i spit on you." He said in a somewhat frantic state, she uses a napkin to wipe the spit/martini off her mask.

"Don't worry and yes ten million dollars cash. And don't worry the money is clean. " She says in a calm and reassuring tone, the waitress then walks over and takes the now empty glass and replaces it with a new martini and a glass of whiskey. Ms.Graves nods and the waitress leaves, Ms.Graves then takes a sip of the whiskey making sure not to reveal much of her face. 

"I accept your offer, but I must ask is there something you want in return?" He asks now fully calmed down, Ms.Graves sets the whiskey glass down and looks straight at Maxwell. 

"In fact, all i want in return is 5% of your company." She says, and then takes another sip of her whiskey. 

"T-Thats it?" He asks in utter shock, expecting her to ask him for an outlandish favor that might land him in prison. Maxwell then smiles and nods to the terms. 

"Splendid, I'll have my lawyer draw up a contract." She smiles slightly under her mask, and finish off her whiskey. She was just about to signal the waitress for another glass of whiskey, when she turns and sees a ten year old girl setting a glass on the table before sitting next to Ms.Graves. Maxwell had a puzzled expression plastered on his face, he then noticed that the girl was wearing a mask identical to Ms.Graves. Maxwell nods as he realized that the little girl was her daughter. 

"Sorry for the interruption, but my daughter wanted to say hi." Ms.Graves then picks up her daughter and places her on her leg. 

"Hi Mr.Lord!" The little girl says in a rather excited tone. Maxwell smile and laughs softly, then realizes that she knew who he was. 

"Hello little one, how did you know my name?" He asks in a gentle tone with a hint of curiosity. 

"Alistair and I are in the same class." The little girl says in a sweet tone, she then climbs off her mother's leg and runs off to her bodyguard who mouthes sorry to Ms.Graves, who shrugs in response. She then turns back to Maxwell, and takes a sip of her new whiskey. Maxwell grins at the fact that his new business partner also has a child of her own. Maxwell then looks at the time and realizes that he needs to pick his son up from martial arts class but doesn't have a car. He groans and then stands abruptly. 

"My apologies for my sudden leave but I have to pick up my son and have no car." He sighs at his own stupidity for not taking his car. Ms.Graves stands and motions for a driver to come over to the two standing, once they do she tells them. 

"Please take Mr.Lord to where he asks." She says in a cold tone, the driver nods ands turns to Maxwell.

"Right this way sir." The driver says in a calm and polite tone.

"Thank you so much." Maxwell says in a rather grateful tone before following the driver and leaving the club. Ms.Graves smiles to herself and them turns to find her daughter.

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