New Fighter-Captain Falcon

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Captain falcon was one of the more known fighters, though he didn't spend all his time fighting. Sometimes would hunt down bounties, he'd always get his man, always.

Today was like no other, he was in his prize Falcon fury. Driving around Smash city, when he saw a street brawl. He decided to check it out, he stopped and parked the Falcon fury. He walked closer and saw a 6'2 male fighter getting the crap kicked out of him by a female fighter standing at 5'6. 

The fight went on for a few minutes but was stopped when the male fighter was knocked unconscious. The male fighter laid in a pool of his own blood, teeth scattered around him, and his left eye swollen shut. The crowd surounding Captain, started chanting Mujer de la Muerte. He then stepped forward so the crowd could see who he was, the entire crowd scattered as fast as possible. Mujer de la Muerte was the only one who didn't run, she walked right up to Captain Falcon. 

"Couldn't you have done that after I was paid!?" She asked in an annoyed tone, she had a thick Columbian accent. 

"Street fighting is illegal, plus you could have gotten hurt." He said in a serious but concerned tone. 

"You aren't policía, you are just a bounty hunter why do you care for my safety?" She asked while taking a step forward. 

"Because I'm a good person who doesn't wish to see other people get hurt." He said while he took as he took a step forward as well. He then looked at both arms to see if she was wounded.  

"I'm not wounded, I didn't give him a chance to hit me." She said and looked at his Superhero outfit, and smiled at the vibrant colors. It reminded her of the traditional Colombian dresses worn at Barranquilla Carnival. 

"I have an offer that can get you off the streets, a nice house, and friend that will help you." He said with a kind tone. She looked up at him and thought for a moment, and then she nodded. Captain smiled and then walked to the Falcon Fury. She stood there and watched him walk away. 

"You coming?" He asked as he sat in the drivers seat, she smiled and walked over to his ride. She hopped inside and put her feet on the dashboard. He ignored the fact she had her dirty shoes on his newly cleaned Falcon Fury and drove off. Mujer de la Muerte smiled and relaxed as she headed to her new home.

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