The Circus-Sportacus

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Today was a very exciting day, today was the day the circus came to Lazytown. Everyone was rushing tot the very large tent that was setup out side of the town. All the children ran to the circus all very excited to go, but someone was missing, someone who was very close to the kids, though they were too excited to notice. Once the group of kids where inside the tent they sat down and waited for the show to start. Then Stephenie, the little girl in all pink, noticed that Sportacus wasn't watching the circus. She thought for a moment, then whisper yelled help, hoping that Sportacus would come to her aid. And he did, he flipped his way to where she was sitting.

"Stephanie! Whats wrong?!" He asked in a sum what frantic state.

"Nothing is wrong, I just wanted you to watch the circus with us." She said with a large smile on her face, Sportacus sighed and relaxed, before sitting down next to Stephanie. Soon the performance started, there were acrobats, sword swallowers, tight rope walkers, and now the animal trainer. She was a beautiful woman, tall and strong in build, she was wearing a modified lion tamer outfit. It was blue and black, it had a barbed wire pattern. The first animal she brought out was two grizzly bears.

"Hello folks! I want you to meet these two very close friends of mine!" I say as the two bears walked on either side of me.

"On my left is Roosevelt and on my right is Jude, they are our rescue circus bears." I say while lifting my hands up, the bears then knew to stand on their hind legs.

"Our next performers are Rosie and Noodles!" The two bears then walk forward and lay down, relaxing on the floor and rolling around a little.

"Now please stay calm, I know these two don't look so cute and cuddly as our bears but I assure you they are." I wait a moment and look up seeing that they are slithering rather slowly.

"I apologize for their tardiness, it'll only be a moment more." Rosie my eighteen foot boa constrictor then lowered herself down from the rafters and gently crawled onto my shoulders.

"This is Rosie, she is also a rescue....she's also rather heavy." The Animal Trainer then kneel down to let her crawl onto the floor.

"Now we are just waiting for Noodles, he is our resident rattlesnake." The Animal Trainer then notice a stage hand waving to me and saying Noodles was loose.

"Folks please stay calm." The Animal Trainer then walk towards the audience a bit concerned. Sportacus notices the slight concern on my face and deduces that Noodles is loose somewhere. He then hears a rattle sound from underneath him, he then reaches down and gently grabs Noodles. Noodles then gently wraps around his arm.

"Um I think I found Noodles." Sportacus says with a kind but somewhat concerned smile. The Animal Trainer then quickly walks to where Sportacus is sitting, she then takes Noodles in her arms.

"Thank you so much." She says very concerned about her snakes safety. Sportacus smiles and nods he then sits back down. The Animal Trainer then turns and walks back to the stage.

"I apologize for the scare folks, Noodles is a very beautiful rattlesnake and oddly madly in love with Rosie." I then set him down and he rushes to lay next to Rosie.

"They are an adorable couple, now aren't they?" The Animal Trainer says as she then sits on the ground. The crowd then laughs at her remark.

"Now the next animal is my trusted friend, Gusto, he is very large and very much blind so let's help him to find me." I then clap my hands until Gustave, is right behind me, he is a two hundred pound crocodile. He then walks up right behind me and rests his mouth right behind my head. Many people from the audience gasped as they saw the creature. Gusto then walks next to me and lays down next to me.

"Now this is Gusto, he is a very kind crocodile who was attacked by poachers when he was young. Causing his blindness the nearby villagers then nursed him back to health. After which his story came to the attention of the Circus. So we adopted him and he's been performing at these shows ever since." The crowd then clapped and cheered, in response to Gusto's story. All except for one girl with pink hair, Stephanie, she then stood up from her seat. 

"Why didn't you return him to the wild?" She yelled, the crowd was silent all waiting for The Animal Trainer's response. 

"We couldn't he, he had been too used to humans to survive on his own." The Animal Trainer says back. Stephanie then sits down, some what satisfied with the answer. Sportacus then stood from his seat. 

"How did you train the animals?" He yelled calmly, waiting for her to answer.

---This is unfinished enjoy what i managed to write sorry.

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