The Service--The Seven

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The world's greatest heroes. The Seven. The Seven were all sitting around their nice round table, having a meeting as usual. Homelander standing at the front, glasses on, reading a news article about them. A faint smirk on his face when the read part of the article talks about him. Most of the other heroes roll their eyes when Homelander starts to go on and on about how great he is.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you guy's need to meet The Service." Madelyn Stillwell adjusted her glasses and then stepped aside, to reveal five soldiers. One dressed in Army uniform, one dressed in Marine uniform, one dressed in Navy uniform, one dressed in Air Force uniform, and one dressed in National Guard uniform.

Homelander glanced at The Service and then back at Stillwell, then back at The Service.

"What the fuck?" Homelander spoke in a low and aggressive tone, he then pulled his glasses off but smashed them in the process. Stilwell glanced down and groaned, she knew Homelander wasn't going to take this well.

"The Service is the government's supers." Stillwell swallowed hard, she was about to speak when Homelander cut her off.

"Get the fuck out." Homelander growled, and stepped forward, moving into a threatening stance. The Service obviously wasn't scared by Homelander's tactics.

"No." Army spoke. He was shorter, but broad shouldered and muscular, had black buzz cut hair, and brown eyes. A large tattoo peaked through the collar of his Army-green shirt.

"We got a right to be here." Army nodded while saying this and the other Service members nodded with him.

"We actually served our country." Navy spoke. She was a tall woman with bright red hair and teal eyes, she didn't look as muscular as Army.

"While you were prancing around the city, we were fighting for our country." Air-Force spoke. He was a bald man, with green eyes, he was the tallest of them.

"We put our lives on the line, while you do interviews and go on talk shows." Marines spoke in his husky deep voice. He was a rather short man, barely 5 '7, he had a few tattoos but looked the scariest due to the scar on his left eye. A low guttural sound emitted from Homelander, his eyes slowly turning red. Black Noir and Queen Maeve notice the look of anger on Homelander's face. They share a glance before getting up and putting themselves between Homelander and The Service.

"W-who's the leader?" Queen Maeve asked, her voice was slightly shaky.

"I am." National Guard spoke, she was a short woman who looked muscular and had a long mohawk which was tied back.

"Of course the useless tiny bitch is in charge." Homelander rolls his eyes and pushes past Black Noir and Queen Maeve, he gets right up into National Guard's face.

"You are outdated and useless. A mere pretty boy enjoying the glory that's built on the backs of the real people who serve and protect this country." National Guard says before turning to Stillwell, purposely bumping her shoulder into Homelander's chest. He stepped back and stood stunned for a moment.

"Me and my team will be active throughout the country. And assume that you nor the band of jerkoffs behind me will get in our way." National Guard smiles before teleporting back to The Service base. Stillwell was stunned, she looked down and adjusted her glasses. The rest of The Service then groan and leave, Air Force used his super speed to run back to the base.

"I hate when those two leave us and we gotta take the cars." Army mumbles under his breath, while he and the other two walk out of the room and to the cars that are waiting for them outside. Once all The Service members were gone Stillwell cleared her throat.

"Well that went better than I-" Stilwell was cut off by Homelander throwing a chair out the window, she flinched and then sighed.

"AAHHHHH!!" Homelander screamed in pure rage, he paused for a moment his breathing was labored and shaky. His eyes glowing red and his hair was no longer perfect, just like the real him. The other supers stood to the side, knowing it was best not to engage with him when he got like this. In fact, it was best to be on the other side of the city when he got like this.

"I'm perfect! Why can't they just let me be the hero! Wh-why won't they love me!" Tears trickled down his cheeks, his face contorted with sadness, his perfect features ruined by his ugly crying. But before anyone could try to console him Homelander flew out the hole in the window, creating a gust of wind that sent papers flying everywhere.


I flew until I was far away, far from prying eyes. I could fly out into the country, but it's dusty. And the fact you have to be in nature. Ugh. I'll fly to the park, maybe some sexy hooker will give me a handjob for free. Instead of some bucktooth hillbilly who doesn't know how to count to four. 

I gracefully step down onto the green grass, I place my hands on my hips and look up at the sky, I remember why I love America. I then inhale some pesky pollen and sneeze. Ugh. Snot tainting my perfect face, I then reach back and grab my cape, before wiping my nose on it. There back to my glorious self once again.

"That's hands down the most disgusting thing I've ever seen." A unknown person says from behind me, probably some adoring fan. Wait. I know that voice. I face the unknown person and groan, it was the tiny woman who emasculated me. 

"Ugh. You." I groan and then shake my head, in a sexy manner.

"What do you want?" I snarl and look at her with my gorgeous blue eyes. 


This has to be the most self centered, egotistical bitch I've ever met. My God he's probably that gorgeous to hide how much of a sackless coward he is.

"I want a truce. And you seemed rather upset about how the meeting went." Just talk to him like a child, calm and gentle voice.   

"Well....I don't like being upstaged." Homelander pouted, he looked like a petulant child.

"Christ it's hard to respect you.....anyway why don't we merge forces. Instead of The Seven or The Service, it's The Service & The Seven?" I ask while stepping closer, my tone soft and my eyes kind. 


"I like the sound of that." Homelanders face changed into a cocky smile, he then stepped forward and held his hand out. I looked at him and felt like I was making a deal with the Devil. I then groan and shake his hand. 

"This is the birth of a terrible relationship." Homelander says in a confident tone, before roughly grabbed National Guard's hips, he then pulled her close and smashed her lips into his. She would have yelled at him but the kiss muffled her voice. National Guard then kneed Homelander in the balls, thinking that'd he'd stop kissing her, but her plan backfires and he leans onto her for support. She groans before prying him off of her, she then glances around and sees paparazzi taking photos.

"You asshole!" National Guard cursed at Homelander, but he had already flew off. Making it seem as though they had planned the meet and were a couple. National Guard then growls before teleporting herself back to The Service's base. This new truce was gonna be hell on earth. 


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