Christmas at Vought

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*This is the comic book version, not the TV show.*

Christmas at the Vought tower was a mixed bag, some members loved Christmas and others were Scrooge himself. Starlight of course is all for Christmas, she decorates, buys a tree, buys cookies and eggnog, buys rum to put in the eggnog, and gets a thousand presents for everyone. Black Noir also likes Christmas but merely helps decorate, doesn't go all over board, and he doesn't buy presents. A-train typically buys like everyone one presents and does the bare minimum for decorating. Jack buys one present and its normally something gross. Queen Maeve helps decorate and gifts everyone alcohol. The Deep does nothing for Christmas and leaves the base during Christmas week, though he does get everyone a couple gifts. And Homelander hates Christmas with a burning passion, doesn't help decorate, doesn't buy presents, but God help the person that doesn't get him a gift. 

But where do you play into this? You're a supe on loan from Payback, since you kept butting-heads with Stormfront. So you had to get everyone a gift, which was easier than you thought. For Starlight you got her a complete collection of romance novels and a case of her favorite soda. For Black Noir you got him a set of William Henry chef knives and a sharpening stone. For A-train you got him the entire collection of his favorite comic books. For Jack you gave him one thousand dollars in one dollar bills, so it'd be easier for him when he goes to the strip club or some brothel. For Queen Maeve you got her gold martini glasses and three cases of her favorite wine. Even though The Deep left a week before Christmas you made sure to give him his Omaha steaks meal. And for Homelander you got him a black three piece Dior suit, with loafers and a belt to go with it. So you were all set. Though you doubted they'd get you anything in return, which was fine. Thats bullshit you'd be super sad if they didn't get you anything, you'd hide it but complete tears. 

At the moment you were sitting with Starlight and Maeve in the recreation room. Homelander and the "men" were relaxing in their recliner chairs, while you and the girls sat at the bar. Maeve of course was three drinks ahead of everyone else, and Starlight was drinking eggnog. 

"Why am I the only one drinking eggnog?" Starlight asks while sighing and sipping her eggnog.

"Cause eggnog is fucking disgusting." You say while sipping your beer. Starlight just rolls her eyes and Maeve smiles. Rare sight to see Maeve smile and she hadn't even taken any of her happy pills. 

"Oooo! It's almost midnight, soon it'll be Christmas and we can open presents." Starlight giggles and drinks more of her eggnog. Homelander grunts and leans farther into his chair, clearly irritated by the Christmas spirit. 

"Don't be such a Grinch." You say playfully to Homelander, you were slightly drunk. In response Homelander got up and walked over to you, his expression was unreadable. Homelander then bent over slightly so he was eye level with you, soon you realized your error in how you spoke to him. He then patted your head and stood up right again. 

"Bold." He says while nodding and taking your beer from your hand, he then chugs the rest of it. He then sits down next to you, after a second he went to say something but Starlight squealed.

"Oh my God! It's Christmas! Let's open presents!!" She shrieks and runs over to the Christmas tree, she grabs presents for everyone. She then hands everyone one gift, she gives Homelander your gift to him and surprisingly the gift she gives you is from Homelander. You smile and nod, after a moment you unwrap the present. At the same time Homelander is unwrapping his present, he was a bit more vigorous and opened the present faster, revealing the three piece suit. 

"Holy shit.." Homelander's eyes widened and smiled wide. You giggle at his reaction and open your present, revealing a adorable purple mini dress with butterfly earrings. 

"I love it." You lean up and kiss Homelander's cheek, in response he wrapped his arm around your waist. 

"Now you need to tell me why you got me a present." You say in a stern but playful tone.

"I got you a present because I felt like it." He smiles and look down at you, he clearly had other reasons why he gave you a present but decided to keep it a secret. 

"Sure." You chuckle and nudge him with a smug smile on your face, Homelander then leans down and kisses your neck. 

"Wipe the smug look off your face." He starts to nibble a bit on your neck.

"Make me." You retort and smirk, but gasp when he bites down on your neck. He then starts to suck really hard on your neck.

"Oh you cheeky....bitch!" You gasp and try not to moan to loudly, Homelander then picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. 

"Now imma open my real present." He held tightly onto your hips and kissed your ass and after a moment bites it. 

"Oh you cheeky bastard!" You moan and hold onto his cape. Homelander then carried you out of the room. To open his real present. The rest of the team was in shock, they somehow just realized you and Homelander were in a secret relationship.


*Sorry for this being late.*

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