Three months suspended-Agent whiskey

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Agent Whiskey, real name Jack Daniels, was suspended for three months after beating a cartel boss so bad that he ended up on a ventilator. Agent whiskey was furious with Champ, his boss, decision to suspend him. 

'The son of a bitch had it coming!' 

'He was selling drugs to children!' 

'I had no choice!' 

These were all the reasons Agent whiskey had tried and failed , to use to justify his action. But it didn't matter, Whiskey had gone too far and deep down he knew it. At the moment he was driving to the Yellowstone it was the largest cattle ranch in America and it always was looking for more ranch hands, so Whiskey figured that he would make a mighty fine wrangler. His bronco only had half a gallon left in the tank so he was hoping the ranch was close and is wish was granted as he pulled up on the road. He followed the road until he saw a very large barn and some wranglers working the horses. Whiskey then parks the car and gets out, it takes him a minute to find a wrangler who wasn't busy. Once he does he walks up to them, and taps them on the shoulder to get their attention.

"Hello there, I'm here about the opening for a wrangler?" He says in a warm tone, with a rather strong Kentucky accent. The wrangler turn towards a man wearing a black cowboy hat. 

"Rip! New wrangler." The female wrangler says in a thick Texan accent, Rip then walks over to them. 

"Thanks, Maya. The names Rip, I'm the foreman and your boss." Rip hold his hand out for Whiskey to shake, which he does. During this interaction Maya takes her leave and goes back to work, out of the corner of Jacks eye he watches her leave. 

"Good to meet you Rip, I'm Jack." He slowly pulls his hand away and the Rip shows him around the property. Rip informs Jack of the rules and how he was expected to act outside of the property. Rip also told him if he ever gets into some trouble to call him and he'd help him out. Once Rip was done with the tour he took Jack to the Bunkhouse, were all the other wranglers lived. There they saw Maya in a tank-top eating an otter pop. She then sits down at the kitchen table and watches the two men walk over to her. 

"You'll be in charge of him getting used to the other wranglers, and introducing him of course. He'll start tomorrow with working the horse." Rip said in a stern voice, Maya then stands quickly and goes to argue but Rip stops them before she could speak. 

"Your in charge of him." He repeats in a very stern tone, she sits back down and continues to eat her otter pop. Rip then leaves the two alone, Jack then sits down across from Maya. 

"Sorry I'm a burden, I can ride and what not just fine on my own." Jack says with a warm smile, he sets his cowboy hat on the table and takes his aviator glasses off as well. Maya had already took her cowboy hat off but kept her bandanna on, even though she was eating a otter pop. 

"Don't worry it's no problem, besides I'm not a wrangler I do bulls and broncs." She said as she finished her otter pop and disposed of it in the trash. 

"Wait you'r a bull rider? Why are you here?" Jack said as he slightly leaned forward, Maya nods in response and then stands and walks over to her bunk. 

"I am the Dutton family bull rider." She said as she sits down on her bunk and takes off her boots. Jack nods to himself and then walks closer to where Maya is sitting. 

"This bunk is mine but for now we are sharing since the other wranglers didn't move their saddles." Maya says while stretching, Jack then sits next to her and rests his head on her shoulder. 

"So we'll be in rather close quarters then?" He says in a seductive tone while rubbing her back with his left hand. Maya then turns and looks at him, she kisses his cheek through the bandana. But the sexually charged moment was suddenly ended when the other wranglers came back for supper. Maya then quickly stands and walks over to the others. 

"Guys meet the new wrangler Jack, he starts working the horses tomorrow." She says as she grabs a beer from the fridge. 

"Jake you'r making dinner today, you better get started." I say teasing slapping his ass and quickly walking away. I chuckle a bit and the others laugh, some of the wranglers  circle jack, who is now standing by the table, teeter sniffs him and says he smells nice. I sit back down on my now shared bunk and wait for dinner to be ready. Jack mingles with the other wranglers and makes friends with ease. Maya stays on her bunk and waits for dinner not in the mood to talk. And once dinner is ready we all gather around the table and dig in. Then one by one some of the wranglers go to take their showers, the rest drink and watch the Reining channel. Maya goes back to her bunk and changes into her sleeping clothes, which catches the attention of Jack, who nearly drools when he see's her somewhat scared back. Lloyd the old cowboy wrangler, had to tap him on the shoulder so he wouldn't get caught. Lloyd chuckles to himself and leans closer to Jack so he is the only one who can hear him.

"Now that mare is not the one to fuck with, she's had her heart broke by her ex-fiancé, cause of the scars a bull gave her." Lloyd says in a hush tone, Jack turns to him with a confused expression on his face.

"That why she  wears the bandanna?" He asks in a whisper, Lloyd nods in a response. Jack then turns and steals another glance, he sees that Maya is now laying in bed without her bandanna on. 

"I think Imma call it a night." He pats Lloyd on the shoulder and then walks over to his shared bunk. He then takes his pants, shirt, boots and shoes off, leaving him only in his boxers, they had lassos and bull whips on them. He taps Maya so she knows that he wants to lay down, she scoots forward and he lays down behind her. Jack wraps his arms around her waist and snuggles his head into her hair. She smirks to herself but doesn't let him see her face,  she held his hand in place. The two heard the snickering and jokes made by the other wranglers, Maya then raised the middle finger but put it down not long after wanting to keep her hands on Jacks soft hands. It only took the two about fifteen minutes to fall asleep.


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