A Deal Between Gentlemen-Carmine Falcone

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After Two-Face's attempted assassination of Carmine Falcone, he decided he needed better protection. Which translates to bigger-better guns, modified cars, and bullet proof glass on the house. But these things couldn't be found at Walmart or some Home Depot, so Carmine had to find a mechanic. Luckily there is a highly recommended mechanic in Gotham who worked out of the ship yard, which was a bit of a drive but it would be worth it to not have to worry as much. 

So now Carmine stood in a run down warehouse with a few guards and his daughter, Sofia Falcone, waiting for this so called mechanic to appear.

"Dad, we should just go, this mechanic probably doesn't even-" Sofia Falcone was cut off by a loud crash which was followed by a repeat of curse words.

"Fuck-shit-crap-motherfucking-damn-bitch-cunt-ass-engine!!!" The voice presumably belonged to the mechanic, she groaned. A tallish woman stumbled to where Carmine was standing, she froze and looked up at Falcone. She looked like a deer in headlights, the deer like look in her eyes made Carmine smirk. 

"Are you the mechanic?" Carmine asked in his usual low and raspy voice, though that smirk stayed on his face even though his body language was like a statue. 

"That is correct." The mechanic stood tall and nodded, she was about 5' 10, which is only three inches shorter than Carmine. She wore a white tank top with grease and oil stains on it, blue jeans that had a black hue due to the amount of oil they'd been coated in, and a mask that covered her entire face. Carmine chuckled and looked her over, his eyes scanning every detail of her attire. 

"I...would shake your hand but I am coated in many fluids." She said awkwardly before nodding and walking to a car which was covered by a tarp. She pulls it off and reveals a 1958 Jaguar Mark VIII Sedan. Carmine and Sofia followed the mechanic and looked at the car. Carmine smiled and couldn't help but remember the Jaguar his father drove.

"I like it, but it's not exactly the most.....durable car in the world." Carmine said while running his hand over the hood and feeling the smoothness of the car. The mechanic nodded and sighed, she then pull a Desert Eagle from her hip holster and fired six shots at the car, three at the window and three at the door. This of course caused Carmine, Sofia, and his men to pull their weapons and aim at Mechanic. Who in response rolled her eyes and shook her head, she then put the gun back into her holster. 

"What the fuck?!?" Sofia practically yelled, she was furious that Mechanic had fired her gun without warning. Carmine glared at Mechanic as well but then glanced at the car, he focused on where Mechanic had shot it. He stepped closer to the car and ran his hand over the window, there wasn't even a scratch on it. His expression quickly changed from pissed off to curious. 

"H-how?" Carmine asked while putting his pistol back into its holster, he inspected the window and couldn't help but laugh. 

"It's a blend of plexiglass, bullet proof glass, and tempered glass." Mechanic says while walking over to Carmine.

"This stuff can stop a .50 cal." Mechanic smiled and rubbed the roof of the car, she touched the car as if it were a lover. Carmine chuckled and nodded he then ran his hand over the door. 

"What's the metal made out of?" Carmine asked while admiring the paint job of the gorgeous car. 

"It's a metal of my own creation, a mixture of Tungsten and Supermanium. A tank could run over this car and it wouldn't even give." Mechanic replied with a smirk spread across her face, she was obviously proud of her work. 

"How do we know y-you're not lying." Sofia said hesitantly, she looked at Mechanic and then at her father. 

"My daughter has a point, how do I know that what your telling me is true." Carmine said while looking down at Mechanic, though he was still smiling. It was unusual for him to be smiling while talking business.

"My colleague will demonstrate the durability of the car." Mechanic motions to the person who was loading a .50 cal on the other side of the warehouse, the person waved and then aimed for a moment, then pulled the trigger. Mechanic was all smiling completely unconcerned when they hear the shot being fired, though when the bullet hits the side of their mask and knocks them to the ground, their expression changes to embarrassment and pure rage. 

"Carl...you moron!!" Mechanic yelled while pulling the bullet out of their mask and turning towards the idiot who accidentally shot them, she stood up and huffed in outrage. Carmine snorted and Sofia was shocked, though both of them were amused by what they just witnessed. In the background you could hear Carl yell sorry, but Mechanic ignored him.

"Are you alright?" Carmine asked while walking over to Mechanic and placing his hand on her mask, he then rubbed the mask and smiled. Mechanic looked up at him and smiled under her mask. 

"I'm fine, thank you." She spoke softly to him and leaned into his touch, the moment was oddly sweet. If they were in a romance novel they'd be telling each other how much they loved the other. 

"I'll give you ninety thousand dollars for two cars, twelve forty foot sheets of the glass, and as many guns as possible." Carmine said while staring into Mechanics eyes, though he could barely see them through the mask. 

"Two hundred thousand dollars for four cars, ten forty foot sheets of glass, and as many guns as possible." Mechanic counter offered, though the position the two were in looked innocent, you must remember that they are haggling the price of extremely dangerous items when in the wrong hands.

"Deal." Carmine nodded and leaned down, he kissed the dent in her mask from the bullet. 

"Deal." She repeated and smiled, she then walked past Carmine and to the car. 

"These are the cars you just bought, the guns are in the trunks and the glass will be delivered to your home." She snapped her fingers and other workers pulled the tarps off the four cars. 

"Pleasure doing business with you." Carmine said while his men dropped the duffel bags of money on the ground, he then turned and started to walk out of the warehouse. His men got into the cars and started to drive them out of the warehouse. 

"I hope to see you again." Mechanic calls out before walking deeper into the warehouse, disappearing behind some hanging tarps. Carmine stopped and looked back when he heard her speak. 

"So do I." Carmine mumbled under his breath while him and Sofia walked to the car and drove back to the mansion.


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