The New Tenant- Mr.Fichoeder Bob's Burgers

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Today was like any other for Mr.Fischoeder, the only thing out of the ordinary was that he had to check in on his newest tenant. Just to make sure that she was settled in and that every thing was in order. He hoped there would be no problems or issues that he had to deal with. He was driving his go-cart there now, he was far from town but it didn't bother him. The property was 20 miles from town, it used to be his father's ranch, it was the home of over 200 horses. But after his death, the horses were sold to new owners. He turned onto the road and immediately heard the sounds of horses. It brought him back to his childhood, he remembered the first time he  rode a horse and the last time. It brought back so many memories. Once he got closer to the property, he began to see horse stalls. It seemed like thousands of horses lined up in their stalls. Soon he could see the large arenas and barns . Mr.Fischoeder drove the cart to the entrance of the main barn. He got out of the vehicle and headed to the arena, that wasn't far away. He stopped at the pipe-corall and watched a group of kids performing their routines.

"Hello Mr.Fischoeder, I'm glad we can finally meet". Said the person who was standing next to him. He turned to be met with a beautiful sight, a caramel skinned, ocean eyed, woman with short obsidian like hair.
"W-well it's a pleasure to meet you too." He said, dumbfounded of how beautiful this woman was.
"My apologies I haven't properly introduced myself, I am Victoria Caballo." She said with a smile, while moving her hand to shake his. Mr.Fischeoder shook her hand taking notice to how soft her hands were, though they were covered in callouses.
"And you already know who I am, but please call me Calvin." He said with a smile, and after a moment he released her hand.
"Well I must be going though it was nice to meet you". Victoria said while leaving. Calvin stood there a moment still taking in how beautiful that woman was, he left soon after.

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