Night at the Hotel-Max Phillips

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Max Phillips was sent to Wyoming because he was assigned to raise productivity in the branch there. He was holed up in a crappy motel, sanitizing everything in the room. It had been two hours of him cleaning, he started with the bathroom and made his way to the beds. At this very moment he was pulling off the bed sheets and replacing them with his own, but before doing so he sprayed down the mattress with lysol. Once he was satisfied with the mattress, he made the bed with his sheets, blankets and pillows. The sheets were a nice cotton blend, the blankets a very expensive satin, and lastly the pillows were a faux fur. It took him about fifteen minutes to make the bed to his liking, Max the flopped onto the bed and lazily kicked off his shoes before he started to drift into sleep. 

AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!  Max was suddenly awaken by a blood curdling scream. He quickly jumped off the bed and stumbled to the door. He opens it and looks out into the parking lot of the motel. He oddly sees nothing, before stepping out he thinks of all the possible ways this makes sense and he couldn't think of a single one. Max was full of confusion, but he moves past his confusion and steps outside the room looking around for a while before going back into his room. Once safely inside his room he closed and locked the door. Max then sits back down onto the bed. He listens intently and is able to hear two heart beats near by.


The person in Black held the girl who tried to escape close to their chest and made sure to hold their hand over the escapees mouth. They were standing in the alley between two rows of rooms, mere feet away from the man who stepped outside to see what was going on. The person in Black then takes their six inch knife and swiftly plunges it into the girls chest. The only thing that came out of the girls mouth was muffled screams, blood now gurgling in her throat. The killer then pulled the knife down the girls torso, ripping through her guts. The wound was so wide that most of her intestines fell onto the floor with a splat. The killer drags the poor girls body to the front of Max's room. They reach up with a bloodied hand, smearing the victims blood on the motel door. The person in Black then stands outside the door for a moment, before leaving the crime scene.


Max listens to one of the heartbeats slowly stop, he then starts to smell the delicious smell of blood. His reflex kicked in and his fangs appeared. He stood from the bed and moved to the door. He knew it was likely a trap but his vampiric addiction to human blood was strong. Max stopped and listened for the heartbeat he heard before, but he heard nothing. He thinks for a moment, he thinks of a thousand reasons why he should go out there and feast on the blood of that dead girl, but it only took him one reason not to to make him take a step back from the door. 

What if i get caught? 

That was the only reason he could think of, but quantity wasn't important. In this moment, this very moment, quality was. It was a very good reason to not go out there. Max then roars in anger wishing he could feast, but knowing it was too great of a risk. He then stumbled to his luggage, he threw his clothes and belongings in the air, searching like a wild animal for the thing he truly desired, blood. Max had packed a couple blood bags incase he got hungry. Once, he was able to find one he sinked his teeth into it and started to eat. 


Max jumped at the sudden pounding on his door, he was in fact so frightened that he tore the blood bag open, causing the blood to splatter on himself and the walls. Max scurry's to the bath room and locks the door. He sat in the properly cleaned bathtub and curls up into the ball, wishing that that the knocking would stop. But his wish wasn't granted the banging continued for three hours before it suddenly stopped. Max didn't dare move meanwhile. His heart was pounding. Had he been caught? He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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