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Sweet-tooth lived in Vegas a long time, but he didn't live alone. Though to be fair he didn't actually have a roommate. He more of had an admirer or stalker, she didn't bother him though, she kept to her area and admired him a far. He always knew she was close, it gave him comfort. But when he decided to leave Vegas, she left too, but not with him more of she followed him. It didn't take long for him to realize that she left too, every once in a while he'd notice that she was driving behind him. She kept her distance but and was just out of sight, but he knew it was her.   

At the moment Sweet-tooth was driving to....well he didn't really know but he was driving somewhere. But he looked in his side mirror and oddly didn't see his admirer, he then looked around and saw  people waiting in the forest, watching.....him. Sweet-tooth then stops the truck and grabs his machete, he goes to exit the truck when he hears the music playing. He looks in the side view mirror and sees his admirers truck, which is painted bright pink and a plow attached to the front, is speeding down the road. The soon-to-be attacker move out of the brush and go to start shooting Sweet-tooth's ice cream truck, but before they could fire, the admirer starts firing, killing a good amount of them. Sweet-tooth uses the distraction to his advantage  and gets out of his truck, he uses his machete to slaughtered the closet people to his truck. Sweet-tooth then went to the right side of the truck and continued to massacre the attackers, gutting and ripping their guts out with his machete. His admirer on the other hand decided to plow into an attacker with her truck at full speed, they practically exlpodes on impact, their inners splattering on her wind shield, she then made a tight u-turn. Now her truck facing Sweet-tooth, who had just chopped the head off of the last attacker. The admirer honks her horn to get Sweet-tooth's attention, before turning on the window wiper so he could see her. Sweet-tooth turns and waves to her before walking to the drivers side, his admirer waves back. She then rolls down her window, she was wearing a pink, black, and grey outfit, with a too-too, leggings, a torn stripped top, and a mask that only covered her lower face, which had a painted smile on it and a tear drop. They sat there and inspected each other, like two dogs sniffing each others asses, this continued for a while. 

"Hi." Sweet-tooth said a bit surprised his admirer was pretty. His admirer giggled at the glazed look on Sweet-tooth's eyes. 

"Hi!" She said excitedly, this was a big dream of hers, she was a big fan of Sweet-tooth's work. 

"Oh I'm Sweet-tart." She said while holding her hand out of the window for him to shake, Sweet-tooth stood there for a moment before taking her hand, he chuckled when he realized that she wore brown leather gloves like his but with the fingers cut off. 

"Where ya headed?" She asked in a curious tone, but it wasn't like she wouldn't find out, since she was probably gonna follow him. 

"I'm not sure, I'm trying to find my people." He said as if he was in deep thought, this intrigued Sweet-tart. 

"I might know a place it's the only city that hasn't changed after the apocalypse. " Sweet-tart said in an interested tone. 

"Whats this place called?" Sweet-tooth leaned in closer, very intrigued in the idea of a place untouched my the apocalypse. 

"Gotham city." She said with a smile hidden by her mask, Sweet-tooth ponders the idea of this new place. He then nods and gets in the truck, Sweet-tart then drives leading the way to Gotham city.


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