Super Glue-Tangerine

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I know what happened in Bullet Train but I really liked Tangerine so he lives and the bullet grazes his neck. So this is right after the crash, Lemon still jumps into the lake and hits Prince with the Tangerine truck but stops to pick up Tangerine and then leaves (Tangerine was fighting alongside The Elder and Kuichi before the train crashes.) The story starts right after Lemon and Tangerine leave in the Tangerine Truck. I'm not gonna keep reminding the reader that Lemon and Tangerine have a British accent so, there is your reminder.

"You alright brotha?" Lemon says while slightly turning to his brother, Tangerine, who was applying more pressure to his neck wound. 

"Ima be alright, but we gotta pay a visit to Doc." He says looking back at Lemon who nodded and drove them to Doc's workshop. They didn't speak until they were at the place, it was an abandoned insane asylum, near the bay. Lemon parks the car and quickly gets out to help his brother. He puts Tangerines arm over his shoulders and helps him to walks inside. Once inside they look around, they see no sign that anyone has been there in several years. 

"Hey! Anyone home!" Lemon yells. After a moment the two heard footsteps and a figure in a white lab coat appears and stares at the two. They were wearing a blood stained lab coat and had a surgical mask hiding their face. The person motioned for them to follow. Lemon and Tangerine exchange a worried glance before hesitantly following the figure down a hall. They stopped by an operation room. The stranger ushered them inside. The two enter and see a sparkling room, everything looks brand new. They also notice there are two operating tables. The figure, Doc, closes the door behind them and motions for them to sit on the separate operating tables. The two sit down on the tables. Doc circles Tangerine inspecting his wounds, even forcibly moving his head so they could see the neck wound clearer, Tangerine had wrapped it with a piece of cloth. Doc then turns grabbing a disinfectant. They turn back, facing Tangerine. They start to disinfect the wound, causing Tangerine to wince. Tangerine watched Doc work and noticed that they had a bloody bone saw tied to their belt loop, he also noticed that based on their stance and posture that they are most likely a woman. Doc ignores Tangerines gaze and reaches for more tools. Suddenly, Tangerine feels a piercing pain in the back of his neck. Doc was stitching up his wound. It takes Doc a few minutes to fully stitch the wound, during which Tangerine continually yelped in pain. When Doc was done she turned her attention to Lemon and looked at him straight in the eyes. 

"I-I have no, uh, wounds." He hesitates for a second a bit scared of Doc, even though they are much shorter than him. Doc takes off their mask, revealing that they had feminine facial features. Doc looks at Tangerine and then back at Lemon, they sigh before speaking.

"Is that all you needed?" She asks in exhausted tone, before walking over to a coffee cup and taking a sip. 

"Heh, seems like you're havin' an even worse day than us Doc." Tangerine says with a small, warm smile. Doc sighed, nodding in agreement.

"But to answer your question there's nothing else wrong with us." Lemon says as he hops off the table and walks over to Tangerine to help him down. Doc nods and removes her lap coat revealing that her shirt was covered in blood. The two were certainly not expecting the doctor, of all people, to be covered in blood. Though, knowing Doc's history, it wasn't 100% unusual. But the Doc they remembered was very uptight and stressed, that Doc didn't feel comfortable in their body.....which is why they performed surgery to become a woman. 

"Doc you alright?" Lemon asks now having his back to the door, Tangerine right next to him. 

"Oh, this isn't my blood. Just from an.. inconvenience." Doc sighed, inspecting her bloodied shirt.  

"We should go, we wouldn't want to interrupt your work, miss." Tangerine says. Lemon elbows him in the side and gives him a menacing look. 

"Sorry for my brotha, we don't want to assume." Lemon says while glaring at Tangerine, who quickly turns to apologize to Doc but is cut off by her.

"Oh, don't worry about it." She says, smiling sweetly. She stood awkwardly for a moment, quietly. 

"You can stay here for the night, just stay on the second and third floor so the screaming doesn't bother you." She says in a kind tone before walking to a secret door in the operating room and leaving the two alone. After a moment of silence it is broken by a bloodcurdling scream. 

"Is it odd that I find her attractive?" Tangerine says, the screaming still ringing out through the building.

"No, just don't break her heart she'll probably cut your balls off." Lemon says before turning and leaving the room to find a quiet room upstairs, with Tangerine soon following. 


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