Loyal--Clay Morrow

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Clay had no club, no family, no wife. All he had was the shop, but it was just a constant reminder of his old life. Everyday he came to work and had to drive his bike past his old crew, everyday he saw them talking, planning, moving on. Jax was now the leader and it ate him up inside, that boy took everything from him but there was nothing he could do. So Clay focused on work, nine to five, nonstop work.

Today was like every other; get up, get showered, get dressed, make breakfast, and drive to work.

Clay then drives into the parking lot, past the club, and to the shop. He noticed that they were building a fence around the club. He groaned and parked his bike, he swung his leg over the back of the bike and stood tall. He put the kickstand on but the bike still fell over, making a loud thud against the concrete.

"Fuck!" He didn't yell in irritation.

He yelled in pain, his arthritis wouldn't allow him to grip the motorcycle well enough to stand it back up. He stood there for a moment.The realization that he was finally too old to do the things he loved. Riding had been his whole life since he got his first motorcycle all those years ago.

Clay stood there staring at his bike, it wasn't old, but it made him feel old. A sigh left his lips, maybe it was time to give up the motorcycle. He thought for a moment but then he heard the sound of metal scraping, snapping him out of his daze. He looked up and saw Rosella standing his bike up. A small smile appeared on Clay's face.

"Now, why the hell are you helping me?" Clay asked with a small chuckle, pulling the kickstand out to allow the bike to rest on it.

"I wanted to be of service. And don't you dare make a dirty joke outta that, it's too easy." Rosella always had a quick retort at her disposal.

"How'd your sister's surgery go?" Clay decided small talk was best, the two hadn't talked since before Clay was dethroned.

"Little Ruth is now a woman, through and through." Rosella smiled and walked closer to Clay, she stood before him in her usual provocative outfit and hugged him. Clay chuckled and hugged back, no words were spoken aloud but a lot was said. They stayed in this hug for a moment, Clay then leaned forward and pulled her shirt up a little, not to be a pervert but to see if she still had the "crow-eater" tattoo over her perfect ass. And as suspected it was blacked out, the beautiful crow was no longer visible.

"They kicked you out, too?" Clay looked down in sorrow, knowing exactly why she was kicked out.

"Yeah.....said that I wasn't trustworthy." Rosella whimpered a little and hugged Clay tighter. She was scared, for herself and her sister. Knowing that she was no longer protected by SAMCRO, she and her family would be fair game. Clay rested his chin on her head and held her close to his chest.


I felt bad for her, I knew how she felt. The fear and sorrow that she felt.

She wanted to help me.She wanted to keep me as president of the club. She wanted to be protected. She wanted to love me.

It was a well known fact throughout the club that Rosella had a thing for me. In all honesty I had a thing for her too. And now looking at her, I couldn't think of a more beautiful woman. I think I gotta be lucky to have such a kind and loving woman hugging me right now. I chuckled and then kissed her head. I wanted her to know that she was loved without having to say a word.


The two stood there for a moment, in silence, but they didn't need to speak to know that they both cared for each other. Clay then swiftly picked Rosella up, gently holding her against his chest bridle style. Rosella squeaked in response and held onto Clay. Clay chuckled and kissed her lips, softly as if he were to kiss too hard she would shatter in his arms, he then pulled away and looked her in the eyes. Rosella looked up at him, a smile creeping onto her face, Clay smiled back. He then carried her into his office so they could be alone.


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