CHERRY PIE!!!-Sweet-tooth

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Cherry Bomb was a notorious biker, she loved her bike more than she did her fellow bikers. She ran a crew of eighteen, called The Explosive Fruit Basket. They robbed, wrecked, and totaled anyone who came into their path. But recently the crew had been more cautious, cause of a psychotic killer clown named....Sweet-tooth, they had heard through the grape vine Sweet-tooth had left Vegas. 

But this wasn't Cherry Bomb encountered the clown, a few years back she stayed in Vegas, known as the clowns territory, she stayed in an abandoned hotel. But she kept feeling like she wasn't alone, always heard footsteps but saw no person. She stayed in that hotel for five days, the feeling of being watched growing and growing, until she realized there was a secret crawl space in the wall. Were she discovered that Sweet-tooth and his best friend, Harold the sandwich bag, were watching her through the walls. Of course she confronted the Sweet-tooth, he told her that he got bored and decided to watch the show and eat popcorn. Cherry Bomb was confused but decided it was best to leave Vegas, later she started her crew. 

But now she was leading her crew down the road, looking for a rest stop that hopefully had gas, they had heard about Sweet-tooth leaving Vegas a few days ago, she wanted nothing to do with that clown so she told the crew if he's seen shoot first. They were about three miles from the rest stop when they heard an ice cream trucks music. Cherry Bomb turns and sees Sweet-tooth's ice cream truck closing in on the crew's position. She then signals for the crew to scatter, they all do, but Sweet-tooth doesn't follow her crew....he speeds up and drives right towards Cherry Bomb. She realizes this and flips a switch, a bright blue substance is pushed into the engine, her bike triples in speed. The distance between the two gets farther and farther. But Sweet-tooth has a solution for that.....he flips a switch and a missle launches from the ice cream truck, it explodes right in front of Cherry Bomb. She swerves and is thrown from the bike, she hits the ground hard and then lays on her side. She groans and stares up at the sky, then a shadow forms, at first she thinks its God that came for her soul, but as her vision cleared up she saw Sweet-tooth. She sighed and then closed her eyes hoping he'd disappear, of course she was wrong. Sweet-tooth, the gentleman that he is, picked her up and carried her to his ice cream truck. He gently placed her on the floor in the ice cream truck, he wasn't a doctor but he could tell that she was in a bit of pain, though from what he could tell there was no broken bones or internal bleeding. So that was good, he then climbed into the truck and sat next to her. She turned her head towards him and sighed, not really in a talking mood. Sweet-tooth sat for a moment and twiddled with his thumbs, he seemed to want to say something but was a bit afraid to say it. That was a new feeling for him. 

"Just fucking say it clown." Cherry Bomb said in a tired tone, she slowly sat up and rubbed the back of her head. 

"I..uh....I like you." Sweet-tooth said while rubbing the back of his neck and looking at his feet. 

"Huh.....well then you got a weird way of showing it.....Anyway I kind of like you." She said while looking towards him, he turns to her with a smile. But she can't see it cause of his mask, but she just knew he was happy. After a moment of sitting she leans towards him and kisses his cheek. Sweet-tooth chuckled and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to him. She willingly moves closer to him and rests her head on his chest, she then feels her ribs.....and realizes that one of them was broke. 

"You broke my rib." She says in an amused tone, she laughed for a moment and didn't even realize that Sweet-tooth had pulled his arm back. He placed it on her side and felt till he found the rib, he then applied pressure to the rib and with a loud 

*Pop*   it was back in place. Cherry Bomb took notice and smiled, she then kissed his cheek again. 

"Thanks, big guy." She said sweetly, before turning her attention to her crew who were watching with guns at the ready. 

"THE FUCK YOU ALL LOOKING AT! REFUEL AND WE MOVE OUT!!" Cherry Bomb barked at her crew, they then scramble to do as she said. Cherry Bomb sighed and relaxed for a moment. Sweet-tooth was surprised that she was so authoritative towards her crew, but chuckled and though Guess I'll have to get used to that. Sweet-tooth then wrapped his arm around her and rested his head on his shoulder. And as the two relaxed not once did Cherry Bomb think of her bike well not until...



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