Chapter 41

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Seungmin tried to be as quiet as possible. He slowly and slyly slipped out of the room as Chan and Jisung kept on discussing the situation they were currently in, and its possible outcomes. The pure-blooded angel hoped no one saw him leave the room this suspiciously, anger filling his eyes as he strolled down the empty hallways.

It looked awful. It was something he had never seen before, only in books. Despite the calmness of Hyunjin's room, it was completely mental outside. Some of the walls have fallen, and enormous statues that were displayed almost on every corner of the facility were knocked over. A mixture of dust and blood hit his nostrils as he did not let the dark thoughts get to him. Cries could be heard in the hallway, echoes of muffled voices dodging from the walls as if trying to engulf his whole being and pull him down to somewhere evil and indescribable.

  Normally, he would say this evil entity was the faint smell of Hell he noticed as he was reaching his target. But he knew the bad in this story were not devils. No, it was not Satan nor the images they have been taught and basically brainwashed to believe. The angels were at the fault here. His family and his own parents should have been there to protect the afterlife, to guard the gates dividing the human world and the world of dead into the separate pieces.

They were supposed to be doing all of these, they were supposed to be caring for those who trusted them. Yet they were doing the complete opposite. His parents were ruining a whole new universe, they were ruining lives. Again.

He did not even realize the complete hatred radiating from his face, his icy blue and giant wings being one of the many things that made other angels stand out of his way as he strolled down the endless hallway — or its remains. He wanted to cry, hide behind a corner and bawl about how was it possible that things have gotten this far. It looked like there was an ongoing war for hundreds of years. Walls crumbling, kids crying. It did not look the way it used to, and he no longer felt safe walking around the facility.

Once he stood behind the wooden door he recognised too well, he let out a deep breath he had no idea he was holding as he pushed the gates open with an unimaginable force. He heard them slam against the walls. It made such a loud noise that it might have even startled him, but there were many other emotions rushing through his head that he even cancelled the loudness of the slam out of his head.

His eyes landed on the duo sitting by the desk. There was this dark aura surrounding them, almost engulfing them whole. Something Seungmin hadn't noticed in the past but was very certain that it had been there the whole time. He just simply never paid attention to it. There were often times when he forced himself to believe there could be just a small ounce of love behind those cruel eyes. Not even a drop of remorse could be spotted once their eyes met. No surprise to see their child standing in their doorway, clearly aware of their wrongdoings. It looked as if they were expecting him.

"Oh hello there, son." his mother's voice hit his eardrums, the pitch of it ringing in his ears as he frowned. The calmness that was set in her office was upsetting. She sat upright, her back almost as straight as a ruler, a book that he recognized from the very first glance resting on the desk in front of her. His father was right next to her but on the contrary, but he didn't seem as calm as she did. There was confusion evident on his face. "We've been expecting you."

"Oh, how funny because all these things that have happened in the past few days are something I have never expected from you."

His mother smirked. "Wonderful to see you're still the same ungrateful brat you've always been."

Seungmin scoffed, stepping inside while proceeding to close the door he had so forcefully opened a few seconds ago. His parents could kill him right there and then, but he wouldn't mind one bit.

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