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Only small cries could be heard in the almost empty room. The lights flickered for a little while due to the raging storm outside. He tried to find something to grab onto but all his attempts were vile as the only thing he could touch was some kind of fabric underneath him. The emptiness and coldness made him cry even more. An image of something scary appeared in his mind.

The way its wings flapped and its eyes shone enlarged his sobs. He wanted to cry for help but he couldn't. His vision was blurry, he couldn't wrap his mind around this. He wasn't able to understand. He felt cold but hot at the same time, he felt safe but as if he was in danger as well. It was quiet, awfully quiet. But despite the silence, he was able to pick up the sound of sirens in the back. As minutes kept passing by, it became harder for him to think rationally, it became harder to move and it became harder to contain the sobs inside of him.

"Mommy, the baby keeps crying." a voice that sounded oddly familiar but so stranger at the same time broke the silence and the boy's mind suddenly went blank. He cried more.

"That's okay, honey. Babies cry when they are born. They also cry for a while after that." Another voice echoed in the room, he could hear some shuffling around him before a shadow hovered above him. He wanted to open his eyes but it was so hard to do.

"But Mina will wake up and cry, too."

"It's not the baby's fault, honey. Come here and let him rest, I'm sure his mommy will come in here soon."

"It's so tiny."

The voice was so close. His face scrunched in discomfort as he felt his mind wander somewhere very far. His tiny hands tried to grab onto something and this time, he was successful. His tiny fingers grabbed onto something warm, and suddenly the warmth engulfed him. He did not feel alone or cold anymore. Rather the opposite. His cries died down.

"Look!" the voice was louder this time. "He grabbed my fingie!"

"Come here, Minho. Leave the baby alone."

Minho's smile faltered as he hesitantly moved away from the baby's grip, slow and careful enough to not hurt him. As soon as he did, though, the baby started bawling again. He was making grabby hands to try to find the warmth again but it seemed like it was too far away.

"But he's crying again, mommy! Baby cannot be sad." the boy came closer again and offered the baby boy his hand again, this time even more carefully. Once their hands came into contact, the newborn's tears stopped again. It felt like Minho turned off some kind of button that stopped the baby's cries.

"Just be careful, honey. You are a much stronger boy than he is, be as gentle with him as you are with your teddy."

"MinMin is my favourite teddy! Can I name this baby MinMin?"

His mom let out a soft chuckle, she slowly caressed her daughter's face as she looked up towards her son. "Minnie, the baby's mommy will name him."

"Minnie can help!"

His mom chuckled again, as she slowly got up from her spot next to her daughter's bed and came over to her son who was still gently holding the baby's hand. She looked at the name tag on the baby's bed just to find it empty. "Seems like the baby doesn't have a name yet."

"Poor baby."

"Mrs Han, your son is okay and stable. We have done all the measurements and everything is normal and as it should be." A voice of a nurse echoed from behind the closed doors. It soon opened and revealed a young woman, sitting in a wheelchair, seemingly tired. She must have given birth to the baby not so long ago. Minho's mommy nervously chuckled as their eyes locked, they must have looked like creeps hovering over the woman's baby like that.

"Oh, I am sorry, this must seem so weird now,"  the nervosity was radiating from her and Minho just confusedly blinked between his mom and the woman in the wheelchair. The baby's hand was still loosely wrapped around his pinky. "My son was just curious and then your son grabbed his hand and stopped crying. I am really sorry, would you even believe that my son suggested that he should name him? What a silly boy, haha."

The baby's mom's eyes were opened wide before she giggled. She waved her hand and her eyes turned into small crescents as she showed them her warm heart-shaped gummy smile.

"Don't worry about it! I know kids are very curious, my firstborn would definitely do the same!" Her weak arms tried to push her wheelchair towards her son's small bed but it was hard to do due to the fact that she gave birth just a few hours ago. The nurse gladly helped her and soon she was sitting by her son. She immediately burst into tears.

"What a beautiful boy!" she cried out, her hand shooting up to her mouth as she sobbed. "I am sorry, I miscarried three times before and I am an emotional mess."

"That's fine," Minho's mom gave her an empathic smile and patted her shoulder. "Congratulations, your son is very beautiful. Definitely takes after his mother."

The lady in the wheelchair just smiled at her before wiping away her tears. "We won't disturb you anymore, I am sorry once again."

She grabbed Minho carefully by his shoulder and started guiding him away from the crib the baby was laying in, which, of course, immediately resulted in a new round of cries. She quickly glanced towards her daughter's bed, who was thankfully fast asleep.

"It's alright, seems like your son calms him down, you can stay." She smiled at them and Minho enthusiastically clapped and before his mom could register it, her son was already by the baby's crib again, his big doe eyes staring down at him as he held his small finger.

"Mrs Han, have you decided on your son's name yet?"

Her eyes averted to her son as she smiled and nodded carefully. Her eyes again looked like small crescents, tiny and almost not noticeable wrinkles surrounding the corners of her eyes as she caressed her son's chubby cheeks.

"Jisung. His name is Han Jisung."


This story has finally come to an end! whooo! It was honestly such a rollercoaster of emotions even for me, I have spent a little less than a year writing and editing this story because of my on-and-off schedule but I did it! This story has a special place in my heart, as it touches important topics to me as well as the supernatural genre that is close to me since my childhood. Originally, this book was supposed to end differently, many things I have revealed were supposed to stay hidden until the very end, but I have decided that it might be better to reveal some stuff. Thank you for reading this story and sticking by my side until the very end. Thank you for your support, you are the best! I hope we will see each other soon with one of the other books that are currently in preparation (I have like 14 drafts but I don't think any of them is ready yet but soon!!!). Thank you, I hope you liked this story and once again, happy new year!!!

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