Chapter 8

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"Where are you taking me?" Desiree asked

"I'm just gonna respond to that as if that's a rhetorical question." He said not paying attention to her.

"You're not supposed to respond to those." Desiree said in a 'Duh' tone.

"Yay, you are so smart." Noah said in a mocking tone as he clapped his hands.

"You know what." She started before turning back on her heels going the opposite way.

"Wait, wait i'm sorry, damn i didn't know you were sensitive." He said stopping her from leaving by grabbing her shoulders and pulling her back.

"One, i'm not sensitive. two, i'm not trying to die by letting you take me somewhere that i don't know." She said rolling her neck as they continued in their direction.

"Hey, that was not the deal. You said you will let me take you out so you can give me a massage."

"Noah." She folded her arms giving him a look.

"Damn, You just know how to ruin a surprise well technically you didn't since we here." He said smirking as he pointed to the at the building.

"A poetry bar?" She analysed the place it had a big saxophone phone it. She wondered if it was a jazz poetry bar.

"Yeah, whats with the face." He looked at her seeing a puzzled expression.

"Nothing, its just I've never had been to a place like this, restaurants are one thing but this is different. I actually like poetry." She smiled making him also smile.


"He makes me want, He makes me feel,He makes me, me." The audience applaud as the woman bowed walking off stage.

"That was beautiful, the way she spoke, her tone, her body language. Everything she said was so beautiful and fluent." Desiree said as she swooned at the vibe of the restaurant. The jazz music flowed through through the building blessing the ears of the customers. Noah admired her admiration something about her enjoying herself in a new environment made her look even more beautiful to him.

"I'll be back, i just need to go the bathroom." Desiree nodded watching as he walked off then taking a sip of her wine.

The host came up patting the microphone getting everyone's attention. "Alright ladies and gentlemen next up, we would like to introduce...Noah." Desiree eyes snapped to the stage after hearing that name.

Bathroom my ass. She said laughing around in her head.

"I call this one, a new life."

The music began playing as the slightly plus sized man blew on the saxophone as pianos began to play and the rest of the band followed.

"I cant choose where i was born or who gave birth to me,

But that doesn't mean i cant also change my future or my present,

"I cant change my fingerprints or the blood that flows through me,

But that doesn't mean i can't change how you see me,

I wonder if a person who is already living a rough life can change it into a positive one midway,

I don't have to start all over as a baby to turn my life around,

I can awake the next day and begin to proceed my.... new life."

Cheers erupted as Desiree stood up applauding him. She was smiling like a proud mother at him.


"That was amazing, no fantastic,brilliant even. Every compliment in the world was what it is." Desiree said as they were now walking back to her house.

Noah chuckled at her enthusiasm, she was spinning, jumping and just overall hyperactive.

"Ow, what was that for." He said rubbing his arm that she punched.

"You ass hole, why didn't you tell me you were performing?" She said now upset with him.

"See that's crazy, you was just in a happy mood and now you switched." He said looking at her as if she lost her mind. The way she switched emotions was baffling to him, he knew women were crazy but it seems like black women were on a different level. He should know he has a black mother.

"I'm being serious Noah why didn't you tell me, What you said was beautiful up there, I almost cried, and do you wanna know the best thing about it."

"What?" He pulled her in by her waist letting his hands sit there.

"You looked happy doing it, it was like your calling, your passion. It just looked apart of you, you" She said as she wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Damn, you got all that from me being on stage." He said in bewilderment.

"And then some." She said making them both laugh.

They finally reached her front porch of her house. The whole journey there hands were intertwined.

She pulled out her house keys and began fiddling with them. She wasn't ready for the night to end but she knew it needed to so she could have a girls moment and dream and pinch herself behind closed doors.

"I really enjoyed myself tonight." She confessed as she looked up from playing with her keys.

"And here you were saying hmm, the first time I asked you." He said making them both chuckle.

"Noah shut up, i'm trying to be serious here." She said hitting him again making him fake gasp.

"Ok Mike tyson, damn the stage is yours." He threw his arms up in a surrender jokingly.

"I'm glad you were persistent, I know i gave you one heck of a chasing game but i'm glad you still continued trying to win me over. This date was something new to me i felt like i was in a movie or on one hell of a journey. Hearing you also on stage reminded me of a male version of Maya Angelou."

"Still i rise." He joked, again making Desiree burst into a fit of laughter.

"I cant be serious with you ever." She laughed in defeat while wiping her watery eyes from the laughter.

"I'm just playing Des, I also enjoyed my date with you, i liked being able to show you a different side of me and i also love the fact that you had a great time and that you were able to breathe a fresh air." He said geninuelly as he began to stroke her cheek.

The two leaned in instinctively as their lips brushed together before Noah pulled her in by the waist going for a full deep blown kiss.

To Desiree, it was like fireworks had ignited in her body and her soul was lifted from her body.

To Noah, he was happy that she had finally let him in and he could take her on a long adventure journey with him.





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