Chapter 10

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"Damn girl where your ass been at."

"For real, you haven't been spending as much time with us."

"I know I'm sorry guys, I've just been busy and so on." Desiree said giving an apologetic smile.

Truth is she has been spending most of her time with Noah, she honestly didn't understand how two months could fly by so quickly. She didn't want her friends to know one, because it wasn't there business  and two as much as she loved her friends they couldn't keep their Damn mouths shut.

"Doing what?" Keisha asked leaning forward.

"Keisha don't start sit your ass down and mind your business. She hear now ain't she?" Cleo already not in the mood for Keisha nosiness.

"I was just asking, damn." Keisha grumbled.

"Anyway y'all I heard Miss Donna pregnant." Keisha said gasping as if an idea had popped in her head.

"Again? Ain't that her fifth baby now." Desiree questioned.

"Sixth." Cleo corrected.

"Damn." They all said.

"What I'm tryna figure out is who keep ejaculating in her tryna be part of the daddy team club." Shonda said drinking her alcohol.

"The fact that some of the men go back twice as well just for her to get knocked up again is crazy." Keisha said laughing.

Just then her phone pinged and she went to check who it was.

You want pizza or Chinese.

Just a simple question made her smile just because it was him texting her. They were planning a movie night for one of their date nights. Every week he took her on a date and everytime she said yes and always enjoyed herself.

"Damn girl, who got you smiling like that." Shonda said drawing attention to her.

Desiree internally rolled her eyes. She didn't know how she was going to get out of this one.

"First of all nobody got me smiling, I  just sent an old picture of me and my friend when I was living in Brooklyn." She lied. Yes she knew it was wrong but right now she didn't care.

"Oh, well D. You need a man, like when the last time your cobwebs were cleaned." Keisha said

"I'm good Keisha, I don't need a man besides there's inventions for me to be able to pleasure myself." She said making a point.

"Girl, why use inventions when you can have the real thing. Did I ever tell you what Mike did to me three nights ago, hell the neighbours almost called the cops on us." Shonda laughed reminiscing at her and her man.

"Ooh the cops, Damn girl what was freaky Mike doing to you." Cleo said now getting interested.

"Girl what wasn't he doing, this man had me upside down swinging in the damn air as he fucked me standing. I have never been so scared and horny in my life, I was scared he was gonna drop me but then say fuck when I felt that meaty meat that boy got."
Shonda said as she shuddered remembering just how good it felt.

"I'm sorry, this girl said he had her upside down. Now I know your toys can't do that to you Desiree." Keisha said looking at her mockingly.

"Sorry Des, but I got to side with Keisha on that." Cleo said giving her a Sorry look.

"Man both of y'all can shut up and kiss my ass." Desiree said throwing up her middle finger giving them a mug."

"Girl I'd love to, you see how big that thing is as soon as I smack it. The recoil is crazy."Shonda said laughing.

"D, if you want I can set you up with somebody." Keisha said.

"You know what, all of y'all can get out." Desiree said pointing at the door.


"See if her friend never told him that she was in trouble, he wouldn't have gone after her and ole dude wouldn't have shot him."Desiree said getting angry at the tv.

They were currently watching Pocahontas and Noah was laughing at how active was when Desiree was watching it. She was cussing out the tv, singing along, crying. You name it she did it. When she first suggested the movie he had to ask if Melanie was around which made her laugh and explain her love for Disney.

"So I take it you don't like the friend." He asked cautiously. When he had said the movie looked before they even watched it, she cussed him out and gave him a lecture.

"Hell yeah I don't like that snake, John and Pocahontas could have been together forever." She said pouting and getting upset all over again.

Yep, Definitely crazy he thought in his head, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

They finished the movie later on and played some games, she convinced him to let her pluck his eyebrows and he even let her do another facial mask just this time not peel off.

"Hey I wrote another poem, you down to listen?"

Immediately she showed an excited smile and nodded her head furiously.

"Yes, I love your poems it takes me to another land of universe." She giggled.

"Alright." He chuckled "This one is called fantasise."

He brought out his notepad and flipped to the correct page. He took a deep breath and exhaled to calm his nerves.

"I fantasise the way you taste,"
"I fantasise the way you smile,"
"I fantasise the way you laugh,"
"I fantasise the way you cry,"
"I fantasise the way you speak,"
"I fantasise if you could be mine"

He said finishing the last sentence he looked up at Desiree and saw her tearing up a little bit.

"I was right." He said grinning smiling.

"Right about what?" Her voice slightly cracked.

"You cry so beautifully and the only time I wanna see it was when your happy or inspired." He confessed going to stroke her cheek."

"This poem is about me?" She said as she stared into his eyes adoringly.

"You're the only person I fantasise about Desiree." He said show casing his pearly white teeth she loved so much.

"Did you mean your last sentence or was it just part of the poem" She mumbled going to palm his cheek.

"I definitely meant that one, what you wanna make one of my fantasies come true." He said with a full blown smile he just couldn't get rid off.

She nodded her head "Yeah, I can be your fairy Godmother and see to it that one of your fantasies come true."

He chucked at her joke shaking his head also.

"Be mine?" He said as he wiped away of loose tear.

"Of course Noah." She said before pulling him into a kiss






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