Chapter 19

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"I want you to meet my father." Desiree said

They were in her house specifically in her bedroom. Noah was laying on her lap, writing on his notepad after having some ideas and Desiree was working on her tablet.

Noah stopped writing and put his notepad to the side tilting his neck to look up at her. "Are you sure?"

She shrugged "I mean, yeah. We've been dating for like almost five months why not tell them. I mean I still want to wait a bit to tell the others but that's only because Keisha and Shonda will say all types of bull shit, well mostly Keisha. "She mumbled as she began to play with his hair.

He grabbed her other hand kissing it "I mean, I see no problems with letting our parents know. We can invite them to the house and tell the both of then rather than waiting on different days." He said massaging her hand.

"Yeah, maybe even later tonight we can call them and invite them. I don't think it would take them that long to figure it out seeing as you will be here." She said laughing at her last statement.

"Yeah, that's a great idea baby." He said as she leaned down to kiss him.

"Your injuries healed very quick, especially since it's only been a week." She said as she analysed his face.

"What can I say it's that clear skin I got, I'm just that guy." He flexed while also smirking.

Desiree rolled her eyes before manoeuvring to reach for the pillow next to her, grabbing it and hitting him in the face.

"Oh, so that's what we doing." He said getting up as she got up standing on the bed laughing as she attempted to hit him again only for him to dodge it which made her fall over due to swinging so hard.

Noah took the opportunity to grab another pillow and hit her while she was laid out. Desiree laughed trying to protect herself by using the pillow to shield.

She swiped her leg at his ankle making him fall on the bed as she pounced on him as they began to play fight laughing at each other.


"Daddy, you are late." Desiree folded her arms at him. They had called their parents to tell them to come over at 7:30 and her dad was now arriving at 8:00.

"Lil girl, hush up. You sounded just like your momma did, scared the shit out of me." Her dad said entering the house.

Desiree laughed "Momma still scares you?" looking at her dumbfounded

"You would think after our divorce I would be fine. That woman always knew how to have an effect on people." Her father laughed at the memory.

They both made their way into the living room seeing Noah and his mother in conversation stopping when they had seen them enter.

"This seems like an AA meeting, don't tell me you an alcoholic baby girl." Her dad said examining her face making Noah and his mother laugh at him

"No daddy, I'm fine. Just have a seat." She said pulling his hands of her face and sitting down with him.

"Hello, as you already know I'm Desi's father Nate." He said putting his hand up for a handshake.

"Yes, hello I'm Vivian. Noah's mother." She said shaking his hand.

"Well Dad, Ms Vivian. Noah and I would like to tell you guys something. Desiree said becoming nervous feeling like a little girl holding Noah's hand.

"Well go on Noah, tell them." She nudged his shoulder. Noah looked at her as if she was crazy, he may not have looked it but he was also nervous as well. You could be the hardest man on the planet and the only person that could make you feel a baby is your mother.

"Well, uh-uh." "Speak up boy, you know I don't like when you do that." Her mother said getting tired of him stalling.

Noah cleared his throat. "Well, Desiree and I are dating. She is my girlfriend." He finally confessed.

"Oh God no, I thought I told you no boyfriends until you were thirty." Her dad scolded.

"Daddyyy." Desiree whined

"Aww, that's so cute. You guys just started dating young love." Her mother swooned.

"Well, umm actually we have been dating for nearly five months." He said rubbing his head

"FIVE MONTHS." Both their parents shouted. Vivian slapped the back of her sons head making him hiss out in pain.

"You mean to tell me, you have been dating for nearly five months and you are just telling us now." His mother shouted, shocked that he hid something like that from her.

"Five months, so not only did you not listen to my first rule but you were also hiding a boyfriend." Her father said glarring at her.

"Boy, get your hand off my daughter." Her father smacked the hand that had both their fingers intwerined.

Noah quickly removed his hand now feeling like a small boy. "Were not even mad at the fact that you two are together. We are just upset that you didn't tell us.

"We know and we are sorry, we didn't mean for it to go this long we were caught up in the moment. We were only tryna hide it from our friends, well I was since I suggested it." Desiree said sincerely pouting her face at the two of them hoping it would make them not be as mad. She usually did this when she always wanted something.

Both their parents sighed. "Fine we forgive you but you guys better not do that again for any other occasion like if you two get engaged or something." His mother said pointing at the two of them making them nod in understanding.

"Daddy?" Desiree said pouting to win him over.

"You are just like your mother." He said shaking his head laughing at his daughter.

"Come here." He said pulling her in for a hug.
"It's not nice to meet you young man." Nate said going for a handshake.

Noah and his mom laughed. " its nice to meet you sir." He said shaking his head.

The family enjoyed a family dinner catching up on how the last five months has been. Nate getting to know Noah and Vivian and Desiree getting to know his mother.


Noah was parked in front of his mothers house as he dropped her off.

"I spoke to Mrs Vernon you know." Her mom said looking at him as he scoffed already knowing what she was going to say.


"Dont mama me boy, she told me you and Latrell had a fight she doesn't know what caused it but she knows you two aren't talking. Now I don't care what the situation is about all I know is that you need to go speak to him. Don't think I didn't see the healed scar on top of your eye. You guys are brothers and we know how much you guys love each other. Fix it for both me and Mrs Vernon. Please." She said squeezing his hand in hers.

"Yes ma'am." Noah got out the car and went to the passenger seat to open the door for her.

"Thank you baby." She kissed him on the cheek.

He walked her to her door making sure she got in safely before jogging back to his car driving to his house.







SEE YA ✌️🏾

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