Chapter 20

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Taking a deep breathe in and holding for a few seconds he exhaled before knocking on the door.

The swung open. "Hey man." He said trying to ease the awkward tension.

"Wassup man." Latrell said. He was actually shocked to see his friend standing there and wanted to laugh at her awkward it was.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened that day. I reacted out of anger when it wasn't even directed to you." He said wholeheartedly. The thing that was triggering him was the fact that Latrell's suspicions were right.

"Dont sweat it man, brothers fight its all good." He said tapping him up.

"Besides you threw a weak ass punch anyway." Latrell said laughing.

"Nigga, we can go for round two if you want. Then you can go cry to Mrs Vernon after that." Noah said pushing him as they both laughed walking into the house.

"First of all, I did not snitch. Mom surprised me and came over and I opened the door without checking who it was. Can you believe she was ready to fight whoever bruised my lip only to calm down and relax when I told her it was you?" Latrell said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Hell yeah, I can you know auntie loves me." Noah said laughing. Mrs Vernon absolutely loved Noah so of course after hearing it was his life long friend she calmed down because she knew they would be friends again.

"Man shut up."


The two hung out together only for Cleo to unexpectedly show up with her friends claiming that they were bored and wanted to come and disturb him.

Noah was on his phone and looked up when he heard voices come into the living room. He smirked to himself when he met eyes with Desiree's as she started smiling shyly.

"Hi Noah." She said shyly as she sat beside him on the couch.

"Hello Desicake." He said flashing her his perfect smile.

Everyone else was completely clueless about the couples interaction, except for Latrell who was eyeing them like a hawk. The way Noah was looking at Desiree could only mean one thing.

He laughed in his head when he put the pieces together to realise that Desiree was the girl who he was with. He was pretty sure that his cousin didn't even know that her best friend was dating his best friend.

"Alright, lets play some cards." Shonda said.

"Ooh, I wanna play black jack." Keisha said raising her hand like a child.

"I'm down." Cleo said

"Alright blackjack it is, everyone to the table." Shonda said clapping her hands ending her statement.

"Im not gonna take it easy on you." He said smiling in her face.

"Well I didn't expect you too since I'm gonna win." Booking his nose as they went to the table.


"Booyah," Cleo said showing her cards laughing at everyone as they groaned.

"How tf is it possible that only Cleo and Latrell have won the rounds?" Keisha said glaring at the two.

"Dont be mad at us, we just have that Vernon blood babyyy." she said reaching for a high five that Latrell returned.

"Oh whatever, I'm getting tired anyway." Desiree grumbled resting her head on the table.

"Yeah I'm with Des on this one, plus I don't wanna play anymore since I'm not gonna win." Shonda said throwing her cards on the table.

Someone's phone began to ring, recognising the ringtone Breeze got up and excused himself walking to the hallway.

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