Chapter 14

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Even tho it's been a week since the date, Desiree still couldn't forget Noah's behaviour. She was concerned about his reaction but didn't question him seeing as how upset he looked. Especially after he had been acting distant towards her after. She wanted to definitely bring it up again but she just didn't know when.

Right now Cleo was at her house and she wanted a friendly opinion, she just needed to figure out a way to ask her without giving away it was about her.

"So what's up girl, I know this is serious since you didn't invite thing one and two." Cleo said which made her slightly laugh.

"Well, I have this friend." She started.

"Friend?" Cleo said looking at her skeptically.

"Yes friend, now let me finish. She has a boyfriend but he has been acting different towards her."

"Different how?"

"Well he has been distant towards her and his demeanour changed when a couple had come by." She said fiddling with her fingers.

"What, do you think he's been cheating?" Cleo said trying to catch her out.

"No I know he's not cheating." She said falling for the trap.

Cleo smirked at her, making Desiree realise and quickly change her words.

"I mean she knows he's not cheating. She just doesn't know what to do." She tried redeeming herself even though Cleo had already caught her.

"Well Desiree, I think You should talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel. Communication is important you know." Cleo said making sure to directly talk address her making sure she knew.

"You caught on didn't you?" She said rubbing her neck.

"Girl as soon as you said 'friend' it was a wrap." She said as she did quotation marks.

"So you're not gonna ask." She asked sheepishly.

"It's not my business, besides I want you to tell me when you're ready." Cleo said smiling at her friend.

"Thanks Cleo." She said, it was obvious Cleo was her favourite even though she knew she wasn't supposed to.

Desiree parked outside Noah's, she knew she should have called or texted him but as soon as she got in her car to leave she started driving until she arrived to his.

She knocked outside his door waiting for to open it for him.

"Des? What are you doing here?" He said as he moved to the side allowing her in as he closed the door.

"Hi, I know I should have called but I was afraid you wouldn't pick up seeing as you have been acting distant lately." She said, her eyes widened seeing as he was shirtless. She definitely wasn't ready for that it always distracted her from her goal.

"I know and I'm sorry." He sighed walking over to to the coach tapping the spot next to him for her sit.

"Ever since our date you have been acting different, especially when we met those people. What was up with that?" She said hoping to get an explanation.

"Nothing alright, now can we just drop this." Noah sighed getting out of his seat.

"No we cant drop it Noah, tell me what's going on instead of tossing me to the side." She said as she got up of the couch following him to the kitchen

"I'm not tossing you to the side I'm just tryna say it's not that big of a deal."

"Well it is a big deal to me, I'm not just gonna stand here and let you keep secrets from me as if I'm not worth it." She said now getting frustrated.

"Secrets, who said any fucking thing about a secret." He said looking back at her. He didn't know why he was getting riled up, was it the fact that she was getting on to him, all he wanted right now was to get her to stop talking about it.

"Why are you getting so defensive?" She said almost in a shout.

"BECAUSE, I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING DROP IT." He shouted in her face making her flinch and step back a little bit scared.

She stormed off to the living room to get her purse until she felt her arm being grabbed.

"Shit baby, I'm sorry." He quickly apologised.

He didn't mean to snap at her, especially seeing how she reacted to him. He knew he fucked when she didn't say anything back and he didn't want want her leaving angry.

"Fuck you Noah, you must be out of your mind to ever think I'll let you talk to me like that." She said leaving his house slamming the door behind her.

It was one thing to argue with him but for him to shout at her was some shit she would never accept.

She got in her car and rested her head on the steering wheel. She didn't want the conversation to go like that all she just wanted was answers and she was upset that's how it ended. If he couldn't communicate maybe they wouldn't work out.

She heard a knock on the window and looked up seeing Noah standing outside looking at her with sad eyes.

She winded down the window rolling her eyes at him.

"What Noah," She said getting tired of the conversation.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to leave. The way I reacted was wrong. The reason I've been distant is because I was scared ok." He confessed.

He genuinely was, after Igloo had seen them together he had to keep his distance. He couldn't let that happen again and he'd be damned if anything ever happened to Desiree he couldn't let that happen.

"Scared? Why?" She said confused.

"I've realised my feelings for you have gotten stronger and even though I should have confronted you and told you. I decided to be a pussy and hide from it." He hoped that would be able to calm her down.

Technically he wasn't lying, but he just didn't give the correct answer to the question she wanted.

Desiree exhaled. "I didn't like that Noah, and I'm not gonna tolerate that from you again."

"I know baby, I'm sorry." He said as he opened the door for her to get out.

"I'm serious Noah, don't do that again."

"I promise I'll never do that dumb shit again." He said hugging her tightly not wanting to let her go.

He wrapped his arms around her shoulder as they walked back to his house.


Hey guys I don't really like this chapter and 15 as much.

I planned it out in my head so perfectly and it all just went to shit so please just bare with me.

Feel free to leave opinions

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