Chapter 26

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Desiree immediately sprinted to the bathroom, she quickly dropped to her knees and vomited until her stomach was empty.

She groaned as she flushed the toilet and got up to walk to the bathroom sink.

She brushed her teeth and splashed cold water on her face. This had been happening for the past two weeks, her always rushing to the toilet. Her and Noah came to the conclusion it was just a stomach virus and she just wanted it to be over.

Noah wasn't home, he was at the trap house figuring out his next move. She knew where we was and could only pray for his safety.


"I made seafood." Cleo cheered walking into the living room with the plate of seafood on the platter.

The women cheered after Cleo set down the food, they immediately began to dig in and moaned in delight. When it came to Cleo making seafood she was hands down the Queen of it.

"D, you ok? You looking at the food as if you had some long-term beef with it." Shonda said

"No, I just don't think I'm in the mood for seafood." She replied. The seafood was making her stomach churn and she wasn't about to take the risk of putting that in her mouth.

"But you love seafood, and it's Cleo's usually you would be the one taking the first and last bite of the food." Keisha joked

"If she doesn't want the food, she doesn't want the food. So can we drop this?" Cleo said after finishing her lobster.

"Why do you always do that?" Keisha asked getting annoyed at Cleo.

"Do what?"

"Act like I'm bothering or acting Desiree." Every time Keisha would question something specifically Desiree Cleo would always shut her down as if she was the police.

"I didn't say you were, I'm just saying learn when to drop something." Cleo replied.

"Ok. So let Desiree say that she doesn't need you as backup." Keisha remarked slightly having an attitude in her tone.

"She does but your ass gets persistent and doesn't stop until one of us tells you to. So excuse me for helping a friend out when she starts getting uncomfortable." Cleo cheesed before taking a sip of her wine.

"Guys, this is supposed to be a girl's hangout. We do not need anybody arguing. Now can we just get back to enjoying this delicious food." Shonda said trying to de-escalate the situation.

"No we can't, I wanna solve this. I'm tired of feeling like the odd one out." Keisha expressed.

"No one said you were Keish." Shonda sighed.

"You dont get to say that because you aren't in my shoes." She complained almost near tears.

"Keish, sweetie. We are sorry that we make you feel like the odd one out. It's normal for friends to argue and you're right it's good to communicate our feelings. We love you Keisha and we want you to be comfortable with us." Desiree said placing her hand on top of Keisha's.

Keisha sniffled then pulled Desiree into a tight hug. "Thank you." She mumbled. "Oh come here don't leave us out." Shonda said joining the group hug. "I'm sorry, I made you feel that way. I love you Keisha." Cleo mumbled joining the hug.
"We've been friends for ten years for any of us to split up." Shonda murmured and the girls hummed in agreement.


"Mom's throwing a party for her and pops anniversary. Well their anniversary is next week but she wants to have the party here since they gonna be travelling." Latrell said chilling in the living room in his mother's house.

"Damn how long they been together." Noah asked as he chewed on the stick in his mouth.

"Twenty-five years man." Latrell said in admiration.

"Damn, man. That's that real love they have." Noah said looking at the pictures of the family that we're placed on the table.

"You ain't that far from it yourself, don't think I don't see that new chain wrapped around your neck." Latrell inputed smirking at his friend.

Noah grabbed the chain as he held it in his view smiling in his head thinking of the woman who gave it to him.

"Whats the paper and pen mean anyway?" He questioned.

"It's our little secret man, don't you worry about it." Noah laughed.

"Aye, I'm gonna be the best man to your wedding right?" Latrell joked but also asked seriously.

"Nigga who else?" Noah laughed giving his friend a stupid look.

"Nah on the real tho, I'm happy for you man. You got someone that loves you to the moon and back." Latrell said genuinely.

"Awe, here we go with the sappy shit." Noah teased.

"Nigga fuck you, let me get in my feelings damnit." Latrell said making them both laugh.


"You coming with me to Mr and Mrs Vernons party you know?"

"Is that a command or you asking me out." Desiree teased.

"Oh its a command alright, I'm not taking no for an answer." He smirked.

"Well the answer is no." Desiree said immediately taking off to the bedroom.

Noah was faster and caught her picking her up over his shoulders as they both laughed like immature children.

"Noah." She laughed uncontrollably.

"Nah don't Noah me, I'm not letting you go until you say yes." He responded smacking her ass hard.

"Owww." She whined biting on his shoulder.

He hissed but didn't let up. "Oh so u wanna play like that, don't worry I can play dirty too."

"No wait." She panicked but it was to late.

Noah held onto her legs and spun around in circles as she screamed covering her eyes. He took it up a notch and threw her on the bed

She was dizzy and the room was practically spinning.

"So you gonna come with me to the anniversary." He smirked climbing on-top of her.

She nodded not even bothering to speak. He leaned down to kiss her but was pushed off when she sprinted to the bathroom.

He could hear her vomiting and instantly felt bad.
He massaged her back as she emptied out her body.
When she was finally done she got up and rinsed her mouth then brushed her teeth.

Noah handed her a water bottle when she had finished.

She moaned falling into his embrace now drained. "Did you eat anything today?" He felt her shake her head. "Why not?" He asked as he soothed her back. "I couldn't keep it down." She grumbled."
He kissed the side of her head. "I'm sorry by the way." She shook her head. "It wasn't your fault, we normally play rough all the time. Don't worry I'll be ok." She tapped his stomach in reassurance.



So seems like a little Desicake has a stomach bug
What to do what to do

This couple is cute tho

Who you think is cuter Desiree and Noah or Veronica and Ahmad?

Anyway let me know what you think of this chapter

See ya ✌️🏾

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