Chapter 22

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He almost had to rub his eyes to see if he wasn't dreaming but when she spoke he knew she was here.

"Did I come at a bad time? I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have come." she turned to walk off but Noah quickly grabbed her wrist now wanting to let her go.

"No, please? Stay." He saw the look of reluctance on her face as she looked back and forth between him and his hand on her wrist.

"Desiree, please? Come in." He begged. She could see the pleading in his eyes on how much he didn't want her to leave.

She slowly nodded her head closing her umbrella. He moved aside from the door allowing her in.

They both silently walked into the living room. Breeze sat on the sofa and watched as she awkwardly paced around the room. He wasn't sure what to say but he knew he needed to say something.

"I'm s-"

"Look, I didn't come here for an apology. I came for closure and some answers." She stopped pacing and looked directly at him.

To anybody, they would think she had no emotion, no blood pumping in her heart from the cold look she was giving him, but he could see in her eyes that she still loves him as much as he loves her. Even in her non-joyous moment, her eyes still twinkled and shined which is why he always loved looking at her.

"Now I'm going to ask a series of questions, and I want the truth. Nothing, but the truth. You understand?"

Noah nodded preparing himself for the questions she was going to ask.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Noah, also known as Breeze." He stated looking at the patterns on the palm of his hand

"And who is Breeze?" She continued

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Breeze is a gang leader in Crenshaw, he has murdered people, tortured people and all type of other stereotypical shit regular people think we do. Except for drugs hes never played with drugs."

"Why didn't you tell me." Her voice saddened looking at him with betrayal in her eyes.

He paused for a moment. "I wanted to tell you, believe me I did, but I was so scared. Scared that you would look at me differently, hate me, or leave me. I was selfish, I wanted you all to myself."

"All those times we spent together, we're they real huh? Was anything real between us? Hell was you telling me you love me real?"

"What are you talking about? Of course its real, every fucking we did together was real and how could you even ask me that of course I fucking love you, I don't wanna not be around you. I'd do anything for you." Noah said raising his voice at her as he walked to her. He was insulted she had questioned his love for her like that.

"I don't believe you."


"I don't believe you, if everything was so fucking real then why did you lie." Desiree said raising her voice also. Right now their emotions were high so many feelings in one that they couldnt control.

"Huh? Answer me!"

"All those time I questioned you about something, we're you answers always lies? Hell is you wanting to be a writer even real? Or was it just some cover-up?"

Noah couldn't believe what she had said. Out of all the things they have ever argued or said that was the most hurtful one out of all of them.

"You are fucking unbelievable." He walked off to the kitchen.

"I'm fucking unbelievable." She followed after him getting angry.

"Yes, you are unbelievable, you know how passionate I am about wanting to be a writer and you saying that shit hurt." He said behind his shoulder

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