Bonus chapter

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"Noah, Noah."  He heard her angelic voice.

Noah opened his eyes and saw he was floating on a cloud.

"Noah." He heard his name again.

"Desiree?" He said seeing the figure hovering above him.

"Whyy?" He heard her whisper.

"What?" He questioned.

"Whyy?" She said again coming closer.

"Why what baby?" He said reaching to touch her face.

"WHY DID YOU KILL ME?" She screamed, suddenly her face began to melt and she was now covered in black and white.

The cloud underneath Noah disappeared as he began to fall in slow motion until he finally hit the ground.

"WHY DID YOU KILL ME? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT ME!" She yelled hovering over him with black liquid coming down her as if it was tears.

"No baby, I didn't kill you. I would never do such a thing." He said tears running down his face.

"Then why didn't you protect me." She said through choked cries.

"Desiree, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't protect you baby. I'm sorry." He said going on his knees as a way to plead for her forgiveness.

"They killed our baby Noah." she sobbed holding her stomach that had a whole through her skin.

"I know baby and I dealt with them. I made sure they didn't go unpunished." He said trying to wipe the tears that wouldn't stop falling out.

"ITS YOUR FAULT, YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF THIS. I HATE YOU." She screamed the bullets holes now appearing from her chest to her stomach.

"No Desiree, please." He pleaded.

"I HATE YOU." She screamed again.

Noah jumped out of his sleep screaming no. His mother quickly made her way to his bedroom.
She was staying with him after she couldn't convince him to stay with her.

"Noah, Noah. It's ok baby. It's ok." Vivian said slowly  walking up to him.

Her heart ached seeing her son in pain and terrified. It had been a week since Desiree's death and Noah couldn't stop having nightmares.

"Noah?" She called out seeing as Noah was staring at the blanket not moving a muscle.

"It's not ok, it's not ok. It's my fault, it's my fault. I got her killed and she's not coming back ma." Noah said raising his head to look at his mother. His eyes were blood red and the tears kept coming. His nose was a little bit runny but he didnt care because he couldn't feel anything.

"Oh no baby it's not your fault." Vivian said getting a wipe and quickly getting in bed with her son to hold him.

She wiped his nose as he just cried on her chest.
"Honey I know you're in deep pain, but none of this is your fault." She said in a soft tone.

Noah started hyperventilating forgetting how to breathe. His mother began to panic.

"Noah! Baby! Look at me. Just breathe sweetie. Breathe. Take a deep breath in breathe out, and again deep breath in ..... and a deep breath out." She coached as Noah finally began to relax.

He laid his head on his mothers lap. He had stopped crying but he would often sniffle from time to time.

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. GOD will guide you through this baby. You will heal in Jesus name." She said as she stroked his head.

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