Chapter 25

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"What happened."

"He shot at her FUCKING HOUSE." He yelled flipping over the desk.

"WHAT?" Latrell said jumping up the couch.

"Cross man, he shot up her house. The reason I know is because the nigga left a mark." he said feeling the anger rise in him again.

"I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to her." He stressed sitting down.

"Shit man, where is she now." Latrell said sitting next to him.

"She's at my place." He sighed leaning on the couch.

"She practically cried herself to sleep." He huffed

"I don't know what I'm going to do man. She's scared and I need to protect her before some shit happens."

"Aye man, don't worry about that shit. Cross is gonna get what's coming to him." Latrell nodded in determination.


Noah closed the bedroom door which made Desiree jump up.

"It's just me baby." He held his hand up in surrender.

She nodded her head, placing her hand on her chest to calm her breathing.

He removed his clothes leaving him in his boxers before making his way to the bed laying beside her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He said as she snuggled into him to which he kissed the side of her head.

She nodded her head to let him know she heard him. She hadn't really said that much still shaken up by the fact that she could've have been killed or the fact that she wasn't safe in her house anymore.

He sighed rubbing her shoulders, he honestly felt guilty that this was happening to her. She didn't ask for it yet she was the one in the middle, he could only blame himself.

"Noah." He heard her soft voice.

"Yes, baby." He looked at her.

"After you get out, I wanna go to New York with you. Ok?" She said looking at him.

"Anything you want." He said smiling at her and kissing her lips.

When Desiree had fallen back asleep. Noah got a text from Latrell saying everyone was rounded up.


"Alright, soon as I say when everyone busts in this motherfucker. Alright?" Breeze said looking at the backseat addressing his people.

"Yeah we got you man." Latrell said backing him up.

Everyone got out the car as Breeze took the lead positioning himself at the gate. They were able to find Cross's traphouse from other people who he had done wrong.

Everyone had their guns strapped on them waiting for Breeze's signal. When he had scouted for a while and came to the conclusion it was time, he made a signal and everyone busted through all the nearby doors.

They had their guns aimed and ready. However, they were shocked and pissed that no one was there.

"What the fuck man." Breeze expressed going to check all the rooms.

"They were definitely here, look at all this shit." Latrell said eyeing all the drugs and money on the table.

"Boss you might wanna check this out." They heard Igloo's voice.

They walked to where he was and that's when Breeze's anger tripled.


Breeze grabbed a chair and slammed it at the board.
"Fuck man."

"Motherfucker knew we was coming." Latrell said.

"But how?" Rashad questioned.

"We got a fucking Rat among us, we've been tryna wait for the quality to improve to identify who the nigga is." Pigeon answered.

"And once we find out who it is, we gonna make sure they die a slow painful death." Hammer said cracking his knuckles.

"Alright man, let's round-up so we can get the fuck out of here." Breeze said already headed for the exit.

"What's the new plan man?" Latrell asked after catching up to him.

They got in the car waiting for the others to get in.

"I don't know man and that's the problem, I'm starting to not know resolutions." He said placing his head on the wheel.

"Don't stress man, it's normal. Shows your human, I got your back tho." Latrell said patting him on the back.

Once everyone got settled, Breeze took them back to the trap where they all disbanded to their cars and did whatever.


He sneakily crept in his house, he slowly opened the door to see Desiree still sleeping. He softly closed the door and made his way to the shower. He scrubbed his body with soap and then washed himself. He took the minute to reflect and just let the water flow down his body.

He felt soft hands wrap around him and relaxed already knowing her touch. He felt her lean her head on his back as she rubbed all over his body.

" I dont want you hiding or have to sneak away in order for me not know what you're doing. I trust you, and I'm sorry you feel that you have to do that." She mumbled against his back.

He turned around pulling her close to him by the waist. Her beautiful eyes always shining and twinkling. The water dripping down her face captivated her so much he wanted to take a picture just for it to last forever.

"I just want you to know, all the shit I'm doing is for good intentions. I wanna speed up the process so it's just me and you in the long run." He muttered against her lips.

"Promise." She whispered.

"Promise." He said palming her face and kissing her lovingly.

The water dropping down their bodies as their bodies intertwined looked like a masterpiece picture was taken or even drawn.

He shut the shower off and dried their bodies with a towel. They didn't bother to put any clothes on as they just entered the bed naked. Noah pulled Desiree on top of him as she laid on his chest playing with his new chain.

He wrapped them in the blanket and wrapped his arms around her waist underneath the blanket.
The moonlight peaked through the curtains enhancing Desirees back as it glowed and shined making Noah swoon and hold her right.

She fell asleep after playing on his chain for a while and he then closed his eyes and let the sleep take over him.









SEE YA ✌️🏾

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