Chapter 12

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Today was family dinner at the Vernon's house, Mrs Vernon always invited the girls and of course Noah was there considering he was Latrell's best friend. When Noah had seen Desiree all he could do was just smirk at her. He wanted to oh so desperately pull her into a kiss but he had to hold back from it due to them being in public.

After dinner they all excused themselves and went to stay in the living room. Melanie would have joined them but she had a play date with the next door neighbours kids and Mr Vernon had taken his wife to go grocery shopping. They knew the kids would be fine, they trusted them.

"Did you guys hear about the body they find near the dumpster far down the street." Shonda said making everyone's eye snap to her.

"Body? What body?" Cleo asked with a spoon in her mouth pausing from eaten her ice cream.

"There was a body literally next to the dumpster with a B carved onto his forehead. At least that's what I heard when I making my way down here. People are saying it maybe Cross, you know how that dude be. He does not care about the feds" She responded shaking her head looking back on her phone

"B? That's Breeze. He the only one that do that shit to his victims, that nigga is dangerous." Keisha spoke putting two and two together.

This time Noah and Latrell's eye made contact to each other, they weren't panicked about them knowing people found the body. They were just thinking of a way to change the conversation.

"Breeze? Whose Breeze?" Desiree questioned.

"Girl you don't know who Breeze is?" Keisha said looking at her friend dumbfounded.

"Dumbass, you forget she only recently moved back here. Breeze is this thug or gang leader what ever you wanna call him. He carves B on his victims after he kills them making sure people don't fuck with him especially people like Cross. They been beefing for years." Cleo informed going back to eating her ice cream.

"Oh, well has anybody seen what he looks like." She asked confused as to the whole situation.

"No, nobody knows what he looks like except for the people who work for him, any outsider who does are probably the ones he killed." Shonda said not taking her eyes from her phone.

"That's why they call him Breeze, he just disappears or how the people in the streets like to say. He breezes with the wind." Cleo said rolling her eyes at how corny it sounded.

"I mean shii, I wouldn't mind being with a thug especially the leader. Do you know the power I could have. It's like you fuck with me I'll tell my man and he will get your ass. We can a Bonnie and Clyde together. What you think Desiree." Keisha said smiling as if she was fantasy land. She didn't even realise almost everyone was looking at her as if she was stupid.

"Umm, I wouldn't want that all, I've never been those girls who likes violence or even the criminal stuff. I am definitely not the ride or die type either and I'd be hurt my man would put me in a situation like that. Besides my mother would turn in her grave if I did some stupid shit like that and my father would be so disappointed at me." Desiree said casually.

She didn't even realise that Noah was looking at her the entire time. What she said had him thinking a lot in his head and he didn't like the ending result to all his theories. For some reason he had honestly hoped she would be some what ok with it, call him crazy but even after hearing what she said. He was scared to even confess his identity and lose her. He couldn't lose her.

"Alright switch the damn topic, this ain't set it off or some bullshit. Oh and Keisha. Get some help." Latrell said as he pointed at the woman who looked at him and scoffed.


"You ok?" Desiree said as she tilted her head to look at him.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine baby." He patted her thigh trying to reassure her.

The two were currently in her house, sat in her bedroom as he sat between her thighs letting her braid his hair all back as they watched a movie.

"You sure? You've been quiet ever since we left Mrs Vernon's house." She said as she parted his hair with a comb beginning to braid his hard.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." He said looking at the tv but he wasn't really paying attention to anything.

"About what? You know in order for us to work we need to be open more and tell each other everything." She said finishing the last Braid resting her hands on her thigh.

"I know, I know it's just-." He trailed of his words as he huffed. He tugged on her shirt for her to come onto the carpet as he guided her on floor letting her sit in between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder giving her a kick on the lips.

"You know how I like poetry?" He said looking down at her as she angled herself to look up at him as she nodded her head."

"Well I wanna do more than that, I wanna write, hell I wanna be a writer." He confessed.

This wasn't a lie only it wasn't the actual truth to her question. He honestly did want to be a writer he never wanted to be in the gang life. He always enjoyed writing it was his passion something he looked forward to. Only his mom knew about this as he would share some of his stories he had written when he was younger.

Unfortunately for him, he was one of those kids who hanged with the wrong crowd. He didn't know at the time until it was too late. When he was making his way back home from school he turned the wrong corner and witnessed a murder happen. He had accidentally let out a gasp which brought attention to him and the killers looked at him. It was even more of a shock when some of his friends were amongst the group of people.

The leader at the time threatened that if he ever said a word they would find who he is and kill him. Noah was ok with that as long as he got to live but that wasn't the case. Eventually one of the leaders boys got killed during a gang war and he needed a new boy to take care of business. He introduced Noah to the gang life and he couldn't leave unless they would kill his whole family.

Eventually time passed and Noah had gotten use to the gang life even being promoted to second in command after proving himself years prior. His first kill was 17. He remembers when he got home he sat in the shower all night crying.

Eventually when the leader had passed on, you would think Noah would take the opportunity to leave but he had gotten so used to eat he decided to stay and take on the roll as Breeze when he turned 18.

If Noah could rewind back time, he would have paid attention to his route back home and not make that wrong turn and who knows he could have been a famous writer today.

"Well, what's stopping you from being a writer?" Desiree asked as she massaged his tattooed arms.

"I don't know." He said looking back at nothing again.

He knew why, he just couldn't tell her. He would write some ideas or poetry on his notepad sometimes he would even do it when he was at the trap, but he knew he couldn't do too much with it.

It wasn't the fear of cops. He had never been caught for any charges he was careful. It was just the people that knew him, hell the only person who knew where his house was, was Latrell.

"I think you should purse it Noah, write something. Anything, don't let whatever this is stop you. Ok baby." She said grabbing his chin making him look at her.

"Yeah baby." He muttered before pulling her into a deep kiss as she positioned herself to sit on his lap.

The two made out completely ignoring the movie playing in the background. They just wanted to embrace each other.








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