Chapter 17

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"Hey man, now you know I normally don't question you right? But what the fuck was that?" Latrell said.

After the whole incident that happened at the trap house, his members were treading more carefully with Breeze. He didn't know but he had broken Igloo's nose, slightly damaged the nerves in his right eye and fractured his jaw to the point he had to get it wired shut.

"What are you talking about man?" Breeze said rubbing his head not even in the mood.

"What am I talking about? You flipped the fuck out man." Latrell said stating the obvious.

"Yeah for a good reason, what you forgot fifty fucking thousands dollars is missing?" Breeze said lifting an eyebrow looking at him as if he was stupid.

"I didn't forget that man, don't play me like I'm stupid. Im talking about you beating the shit out of Igloo." Latrell said tryna understand his behaviour.

"Man, that ain't even nothing new. Igloo always like to run his mouth as if he's boss. I just had to knock him down a little." Breeze said unbothered deciding to get his notepad out and write to clear his mind.

"Take him down a little? Ok I can admit Igloo talks shit and you rough him up a little, but that's not what that was. You beat him as if you had some vendetta against him." Latrell said getting annoyed at his actions. Breeze would always bring out that stupid notepad when he started getting tired of what he had to say.

"What? So it's my fault. That was probably the worst fucking time to even speak to me. Anyone could have fucking gotten it. Hammer, pigeon anyone of them even you." Breeze said getting angry standing to leave.

"Huh? Even me, yeah you better check yourself don't think I'm one of your fucking workers, Noah." Latrell said standing up getting in his face.

There was definitely heavy tension going on. The fact that Latrell even called him by his real name showed how truly mad he was, luckily it was just the two of them in Breeze's office unless that would've gone extremely bad.

"Move man." Breeze said starting to get highly frustrated. He tried to walk past him but Latrell kept blocking him.

"Nah, you've been acting different. You think I ain't notice? What? What is it? Don't tell me it's some random pussy that's got you acting like this."
Latrell said still not letting him leave.

Instinctively Breeze's expression got harder thinking about him calling Desiree random pussy. Which made Latrell step back with his eyes widened in realisation.

"Ah shit, that's what it is. Are you trying to tell me some fucking random pussy got you acting like this." Latrell shouted in her face.

"Man you better watch your tone shouting at me like that, and you better not say that again." Breeze said sternly as he glared at Latrell.

"Motherfucker, fuck you and the bitch ass hoe you fucking." Latrell said putting his finger on his face.

Without hesitation, Breeze immediately swung and punched Latrell in his jaw making him stumble back but quickly re-gain balance immediately swinging back punching above his eye.

The two began fighting breaking shit as they punched each others in the face or body as they pushed. Neither of them were letting up they were both equally angry.

Latrell was upset that his best friend couldn't come to him to talk, he felt like he was hiding something and was just upset that he wasn't even considering his feelings. The fact that Noah had spoken to him as if he was below him hurt.

Noah on the other hand was just scared, way to many people were starting to know about Desiree. The wrong people. Now he's not saying that Latrell was bad people, that was his brother he loved him to death, but he wasn't willing to let him speak bad about his woman even if he didn't know it was her.

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