Chapter 16

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"NOW, I WANNA KNOW HOW FIFTY FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS IS MISSING." Breeze said slamming the table, flipping over the chair.

"HUH, WHAT? MOTHER FUCKERS CANT HEAR SHIT." Breeze said looking at everyone lined up, waiting for an an answer.

"Man, if anyone knew they would have answered." Igloo tried saying in a whisper but Breeze still heard him.

"What? Speak up nigga." Breeze said standing in his face.

"Nah, man I ain't say nothing." Igloo said trying to calm down the situation.

"Oh, so now we lying huh?" Out of no where Breeze punched the shit out of Igloo.

You would think he would stop there but he was so full of range, not just because of the money but the shit he pulled on the skating rink.

He probably blacked out because the next thing he knew, he was being pulled off by Hammer and Pigeon.

After catching his breath he looked at Igloo, he had completely fucked his face up he was bleeding and his eyes were practically glued shut.

"GET HIS BITCH ASS OUT OF HERE." Latrell nodded clicking his fingers making the workers carry Igloo out.

"EVERONE GET THE FUCK OUT, AND FIND MY GODDAMN MONEY." He said slamming door as he left.


"When am I going to get boobs?" Desiree and Cleo both choked on their drinks surprised by Melanie's questions.

"Mel baby, what made you ask this question?" Cleo said noticing her saddened expression.

"Well, I like this boy and he told me he only liked girls with big boobs." Melanie said shyly as she played with her braids.

"So when am I gonna get them?" She giving them a soft smile.

"Melipoo, come sit here baby." Desiree said tapping a spot on the bed in between her and Cleo.

Melanie slowly walked over and sit on the bed and the two girls immediately wrapped her arms around her, cuddling into her.

"Melanie, some guys don't know what they want especially young boys." Desiree said massaging her hair.

"Exactly, they just say the most stupidest things thinking it's cute when it's not. Besides 13 year olds don't even have boobs." Cleo said agreeing with Desiree.

"Yes they do, there are some girls in my school that have boobs this big." Melanie said expanding her hands to emphasise the size.

"Damn that's bigger than mine." Cleo mumbled making Desiree hit her.

"I mean, baby we are all different, we grow different and talk different we aren't ever gonna be the same. Hell even not all identical twins are the damn same." Cleo said remembering the goal of the conversation

"She is right Melipoo, do you know how boring it would be if we all looked and acted the same?"

"Hmm, I guess it would be pretty boring." Melanie said after thinking it over.

"Exactly so what some girls have bigger boobs than you and Cleo."

"Hey!" Cleo said giving Desiree a dirty look.

"Oh shut up Cleo, you know what Melipoo?"Desiree nudged her.


"I bet they don't laugh as loud as you do." She said beginning to tickle her making the girl squeal as Cleo joined in the tickle war.

The girls all sighed laying on the bed catching their breathe after the tickle war.

"I love you Desicake and Cleopatra." Melanie said pulling the both of them into a hug.

"As much as I wanna hit you, I'll let you slide. I love you too ugly head." Cleo said kissing her cheek.

"You hit her and we will tag team you, and I also love you too Melipoo."


"I thought you said you knew how to build things."

"I do."

"Well that doesn't look anything like the picture nor is it in the instruction manual."

"Look woman, leave me alone and let me do my job. Go fix me a sandwich or something."

"Yeah, I'll go ahead and fix you a knuckle sandwich alright." He heard her mumble.

Noah was currently putting together, well attempting to put together Desiree's new drawer. She had called him to ask if he knew how to fix things and he didn't hesitate to say yes. She was pleased she wouldn't have to call a handy man but was now beginning to regret it after seeing what Noah was currently doing.

"There, see I'm done." He said screwing the last bolt. Walking back to stand beside her.

"Noah, I don't think it's supposed to be tilting like that." She said turning her head slightly, looking at the dysfunctional drawer.

"Tcht, you are such a hater. Just go put one of your clothes in." He said not listening to a single word that came out of her mouth.

She sighed not even bothering to argue with him. "Ok." She grumbled, she picked up her folded clothes and went to open the drawer and as soon as she touched it the entire drawer collapsed making her scream dropping the clothes in fright and Noah quickly grabbing her pulling her away before she got hurt.

They both stared at the now broken drawer not saying a word until Desiree busted out into an ugly laughter in his arms.

"See, look what you did. Messing up my hard work breaking the drawer." He kissed his teeth.

"MEE? You're the one who doesn't know how to fix things you liar. Unhand me boy." She said flabbergasted with her hand on her chest after hearing that which made her even laugh even louder as he let go of her.

"It was fine until you touched it Desiree." He pointed out, not seeing why she was still laughing.

"Nah baby, it was doomed from the moment you touched it." She laughed as she patted his cheek leaning in for a kiss only for him to dodge it.

She gasped "Noah, you really gonna doge my kiss like that?" She said rearing her head back laughing even more now that he was acting like a baby with his now folded arms.

He didn't even respond only grumbling words underneath his breath making her laugh even more.

She shrugged before walking off. "I'm going to call the handy man, hopefully they can fix the mess you created. Cause if not you are gonna buy me a new one." She shouted from the bathroom which made her voice echo out side of the room.

Noah just looked at the pile of multiple wood and bolts. "Piece of shit." He mumbled kicking the wood like a baby.







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