A man of science and his creation

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  Unknown AU
Irumatsu Implied
13+ words

  Shuichi Saihara was a person that was dedicated to his work. Unlike other boys his age, he chose to not focus on finding love but rather to do what he loved.

  You might be thinking 'what did he love?' It is quite simple. He loved to experiment with lab equipment, and his good friend Miu along with their Robotic helper, K1B0 or as he liked to be called 'Keebo'.

  To add a bit of background on Miu and Shuichi's relationship, they knew each other since childhood. They shared the same kindergarten class and became friends at the third grade science fair. Their love of science brought them together and they ended up working at the same laboratory. They both graduated from Hopes peak Academy with their Ultimates being the Ultimate Scientist and The Ultimate Inventor.

  Keebo on the other hand, was a gift to Miu and Shuichi from their late boss, and was ment to keep them safe while dangerous experiments and order new equipment.

  Miu was currently dating Kaede Akamatsu. Kaede had a strange love for classic horror movies, even though she hated being scared.  The reason why this is important to know is because, since Kaede loves classic horror movies she makes Miu watch with her. Resulting in Miu getting a strange, even twisted idea for an experiment. And it all originated from the film that was Frankenstein.

  Miu felt like it was necessary to do this experiment with Shuichi rather than just herself, plus it is smarter to have the Ultimate Scientist do something like this instead of the Ultimate Inventor. As Miu was walking twords the Laboratory, she was practicing how she was going to ask Shuichi about creating a Frankenstein monster. Eventually Miu finally thinks of the best way to phrase 'Hey Shuichi! I wanted to know if you wanted to make one person out of eleven dead people's body parts!' and she then enters the lab to see Shuichi and Keebo looking stuff up on the dark web.

  "Ummm... What the fuck are ya twinks doin'?" Miu says this while catching both the Robot and the Emo Dete-Scientist. "Oh, hello Miu! I was actually about to go and ask you something." Shuichi states while Miu is curious to what he could possibly want to ask. "And your question is...?" "Miu, I would like to ask you, if you would like to take place in  an experiment of making a living creature out of old body parts of deceased people!!"

  Miu was extremely surprised as she wasn't planning that Shuichi would have the same sick idea she did. "Of course I'll make a fucking Frankenstein monster with my besties!" And just like that, they got to work.

   The first step of this process was to buy every body part, both internal and external, that a human body needs. They achieved this by using Keebo as a computer and ordering all of the parts off of the dark web.

  While the packages was being delivered, Miu created the blueprints for the machinery she needed to build for this experiment to work. As well as Shuichi creating the blueprints for the 'monster', and how they will properly assemble them.

  Once they finished the blueprints, the body parts were delivered. It was now time for Miu to start building her contraption and for Shuichi and Keebo assemble a person.

(I'ma do a little time skip because, saying all of the steps isn't exactly important)

  Shuichi was mas now laying the body down on to Miu's contraption, to hopefully give their creation life. The laboratory had a large skylight, so they opened it up to reveal a horrible storm. This might be awful for most people, but for Shuichi and his plan, it was perfect.

  They then hoisted up the body, and turned on the machine.

  Once the machine turned on, there was a cerise of flashing sparks that were blinding to the eye.

  But then something strange happened. The machine had turned off. Miu started walking toward the control panel to make sure nothing broke.

  Thankful nothing broke, but Shuichi and Keebo we're amazed at the scene they saw.

  Despite the machine being turned off, there was a large lightning bolt hitting the body. And Miu was questioning her sanity because this is too much like the movie.

  Once they felt like that was enough of having the body be tampered with, they brought it down for Shuichi to examine.

  Somehow the body was moving on its own. It would be an understatement if I were to say he was freaking out.

  "Where in the fuck am I ?!"


  The only people in the room now were the 'monster', Shuichi, and Keebo.

  " How the fuck did that slut not recognize me?!"

  "I'm not sure Ko, but that was pretty hilarious!"

  "Awe, my Saihara-chan is so handsome when he smiles!"

  " Get a room-"
  "Shut the fuck up Keeboi!"

  "Ko, how about we go home and cuddle?"

  " Fine by me!"

                         The End.

Dating AU
Irumatsu Implied
13+ words

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