The Great Love Switch!

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I went with more popular ships, don't kill me!!!!
Kinda rushed
Not really a lot of saiouma in this one shot, I kinda just had the idea and thought it could stall me enough time to write a good one!

Once upon a time, at the infamous Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, the students of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony were living under the constant threat of Monokuma's sinister motives. One day, Monokuma introduced a new motive, designed to shake up the relationships among the students.

"Good morning, you lovely students! Are you ready for your next motive? Today, I present to you the Love Switch! You'll be swapping personalities with your beloved for a limited time. How exciting, isn't it?" Monokuma announced with glee.

The students exchanged worried glances, unsure what to expect. Before they knew it, they found their personalities switched with their respective partners:

- Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Oma
- Maki Harukawa and Kaito Momota
- Kiibo and Rantaro Amami
- Korekiyo Shinguji and Angie Yonaga
- Tenko Chabashira and Himiko Yumeno
- Kaede Akamatsu and Miu Iruma

The rest of the students, who did not have love interests, remained unchanged. Confused and disoriented, the students tried to adapt to their new personalities and maintain their relationships.

Shuichi, now embodying Kokichi's mischievous personality, and Kaede, taking on Miu's vulgar and brash demeanor, decided to pull a prank on their fellow students. They tampered with the school's intercom system, broadcasting a fake announcement that there was a bomb hidden somewhere in the school. Panic ensued, as the students scrambled to find the bomb and prevent another tragedy.

Meanwhile, Kokichi, who had switched with Shuichi, and Kaito, having swapped with Maki, put their heads together to find a solution. They realized that Shuichi and Kaede's prank could be the key to getting everyone back to normal. The two of them decided to use their combined intellect to devise a plan to fix the intercom system and reveal the truth about the fake bomb threat.

With the help of the other students, Kokichi and Kaito searched the school for clues. They discovered that Shuichi and Kaede had left a trail of hints that led them to the intercom system's control room. Together, they managed to repair the system and broadcast a message to the entire academy, revealing that the bomb threat was a hoax.

"Attention students! This is Kokichi, or well, Shuichi's personality speaking. The bomb threat was a prank orchestrated by Shuichi and Kaede. There is no need to panic. Please return to your dorms and await further instructions."

The students sighed in relief, and the panic subsided. Kokichi and Kaito realized that the key to reversing Monokuma's motive was to confront their fears and learn to appreciate their partners' unique traits. They gathered everyone in the gymnasium to share their experiences and insights.

As the students opened up about the challenges they faced while inhabiting each other's personalities, they learned valuable lessons about empathy, understanding, and acceptance. United by their shared experiences, the students formed a bond that transcended their original relationships.

Seeing that his motive had backfired, Monokuma begrudgingly reversed the Love Switch, returning the students' personalities to their rightful bodies.

With their original personalities restored and newfound

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