part 2

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Ond day Kokichi and Shuichi were bored as FUCK and they decided to go to the movies. As they settled into their seats in the dark theater, the two couldn't help but feel a bit exhausted from their previous adventures, y'know, arcade days, beach days, sleepovers, normal ga- I mean guy things. Before they knew it, both had drifted off to sleep, missing the entirety of the movie they had come to watch.

Kokichi and Shuichi awoke to the sound of familiar voices. Groggily, they looked around and noticed Miu and Kaede sitting in the row in front of them, engrossed in a hushed conversation. The two friends exchanged glances and decided to eavesdrop, curious about what could possibly be so secretive.

"Are you sure this is the best time, Miu Baby? I mean we are in public!" Kaede whispered, her voice filled with concern.

"That's the point! It's the Best way," Miu replied, her tone equally as serious, but hornier. "We have to do it here."

Uneasy with what they overheard, Kokichi and Shuichi decided to sneak away, fearing they might get caught up in whatever Miu and Kaede were planning on doing.

As they left the theater, they were suddenly confronted by a group of security guards, who accused them of vandalizing the movie theater's property. Kokichi and Shuichi exchanged bewildered looks, knowing they had done no such thing. However, the evidence against them was overwhelming, and they soon found themselves on the run, desperately trying to clear their names. Dear Atua why did I think this was good?

During their 'wild goose chase,' they encountered a series of challenges and obstacles, which only served to deepen their bond. Despite their dire circumstances, they couldn't help but grow closer to one another.

In a heated moment, as they were cornered by the authorities, Kokichi couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. "Shuichi, I need to tell you something before it's too late. I've fallen for you. I have known it ever since I first saw you, but now you've become so much more important to me, and I can't imagine my life without you."

Shuichi's eyes widened in surprise, but then softened with affection. "Kokichi, I also have feelings for you, ever since we've been hanging out together a little part of me has been wanting me to take it to the next step, I was just worried that you wouldn't feel the same way ."

With their feelings finally out in the open, they decided to turn themselves in and face the consequences together. However, as they were taken into custody, they discovered that the vandalism charges against them had been a huge misunderstanding, and they were quickly released.

Kokichi and Shuichi couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Despite all their fears and the chaos they had been through, they had emerged unscathed and with a newfound love for one another. Arm in arm, they walked away from the experience, ready to face whatever the future had in store for them, together. GAY~



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