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CREDIT TO kokichi782 FOR THE AMAZING IDEA!!! THEY ARE THE G.O.A.T!!!! (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆)

I wrote two versions because I couldn't choose which one fit better with kokichi782's Idea soo...

I put 2 on here (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

Story 1

As the killing game in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles continued, Monokuma, the robotic bear who oversaw the game, grew bored with the lack of progress. He decided to create a new motive to stir things up. But rather than focusing on the students' personal secrets or desires, he decided to target one particular student: Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader.

Monokuma knew that Kokichi had gained a reputation as an enigmatic and manipulative figure among the other students. He also knew that many of them were distrustful of him and suspected that he was hiding something. So, Monokuma decided to play on their fears and suspicions by revealing what he claimed was Kokichi's deepest, darkest secret: he was a succubus.

Monokuma spread rumors throughout the academy that Kokichi was using his powers of seduction to manipulate and control the other students. He claimed that Kokichi had no real feelings for anyone and was only using them for his own gain. The other students were horrified at the thought of being under Kokichi's spell and began to distance themselves from him.

Kokichi, who had always been something of a loner, was hurt by the sudden turn of events. He tried to defend himself, insisting that the rumors were untrue, but no one would listen. The other students were convinced that he was a monster who needed to be exposed and punished.

As the days went on, Kokichi became increasingly isolated and miserable. He had never felt more alone in his life, and he began to wonder if Monokuma's accusations were true. Maybe he really was a succubus, and everyone else was right to hate him.

Eventually, the tension in the academy reached a breaking point. In a fit of desperation and despair, Kokichi attempted to take his own life. Fortunately, he was stopped in time by one of the other students, who had come to realize that the accusations against him were baseless and cruel.

In the end, Monokuma's attempt to expose Kokichi as a succubus had only caused pain and suffering. The other students had turned on him for no reason other than their own fears and prejudices. And Kokichi, who had always been a misunderstood and complex individual, had been reduced to a caricature of a monster.

The lesson, if there was one to be learned, was that jumping to conclusions and demonizing others based on rumors and hearsay was a dangerous and destructive game. And in the end, everyone, including Kokichi, paid a heavy price for it.

Story 2

Kokichi Ouma had always been a mysterious figure among the students at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. But when Monokuma, the robotic bear who oversaw the killing game, announced that Kokichi was a succubus, the other students were quick to believe it. They whispered behind his back, avoided him in the halls, and accused him of using his powers of seduction to manipulate them.

But there was one person who refused to believe the rumors: Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective. Shuichi knew Kokichi better than anyone, and he was certain that the accusations were baseless and cruel. He set out to prove Kokichi's innocence, even as the other students grew more and more hostile toward him.

Shuichi spent long hours investigating the supposed evidence against Kokichi, looking for any sign that he was actually a succubus. But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anything that supported Monokuma's claim. In fact, the more he learned about Kokichi, the more he realized just how little anyone really knew about him.

Despite the mounting pressure from the other students, Shuichi refused to give up on Kokichi. He defended him whenever he could, even as it made him a target of their anger and suspicion. And slowly but surely, he began to win over a few allies who were willing to give Kokichi the benefit of the doubt.

As the days went on, the tension in the academy continued to mount. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before someone snapped and committed murder. But Shuichi remained optimistic. He knew that if he could prove Kokichi's innocence, it might be enough to bring the rest of the students back together and end the killing game for good.

In the end, Shuichi's perseverance paid off. He was able to uncover the truth behind the rumors about Kokichi, and he presented his findings to the other students in a tense showdown. It turned out that Monokuma had been spreading lies about Kokichi to create a motive for murder. And while some of the other students were still hesitant to believe in Kokichi, they were at least willing to give him a chance.

Kokichi was grateful for Shuichi's unwavering support, and the two of them grew closer than ever before. They were still trapped in the killing game, still at risk of being killed at any moment, but they faced the challenge together, knowing that they had each other's backs. And in the end, that was all that really mattered.

REMINDER I DIDN'T MAKE THIS IDEA!!! THE G.O.A.T kokichi782 MADE THE IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

😏Saiouma Oneshots👁👄👁Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang