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A stupid fanfic that me and kokichi782 made up on discord


Once upon a time, there was a mischievous and unpredictable young man named Kokichi Ouma. He was known for his eccentric behavior and his ability to stir up trouble wherever he went. Despite his reputation, Kokichi was a very lonely person. He often felt like he didn't fit in with the rest of society and struggled to connect with others.

One day, while wandering through a furniture store, Kokichi spotted a beautiful wooden chair. It was an antique piece, with ornate carvings and a rich, mahogany finish. Something about the chair caught Kokichi's eye, and he found himself drawn to it.

As he approached the chair, Kokichi felt a strange sense of familiarity. He couldn't explain it, but he felt like he had known this chair his entire life. Without thinking, he reached out and stroked the armrest, and to his surprise, he felt a jolt of electricity run through his body.

From that moment on, Kokichi was obsessed with the wooden chair. He visited it every day, talking to it as if it was a person. He would stroke the armrests and whisper secrets into the wood, and he was convinced that the chair could hear him.

As time passed, Kokichi's obsession with the wooden chair grew stronger. He began to spend all of his time with it, forsaking his friends and family. He even slept in the furniture store to be close to the chair.

Despite the oddness of the situation, Kokichi was truly in love with the wooden chair. He felt like it was the only thing in the world that understood him, and he was willing to do anything to protect it.

The furniture store owners eventually became concerned for Kokichi's well-being and called the authorities. When the police arrived, they found Kokichi curled up in the chair's embrace, murmuring softly to it. They gently pried him away and took him to a mental health facility for evaluation.

Although Kokichi was eventually released, he never forgot about the wooden chair. It remained a constant presence in his life, even as he tried to move on and connect with other people. In the end, Kokichi realized that he didn't need the chair to be happy. He had the power to love and be loved by others, and that was the most important thing of all.

Several years after Kokichi's obsession with the wooden chair, he had moved on and found love with his partner Shuichi Saihara. The two were happily married and had built a life together. Kokichi had long since stopped visiting the furniture store and had forgotten about the wooden chair.

But the wooden chair had not forgotten about Kokichi. In fact, it had been waiting all these years for him to return. And one day, when Kokichi and Shuichi were out of the house, the wooden chair came to life.

At first, the chair was overjoyed to be able to move and explore the world around it. But soon, it realized that without Kokichi, it felt empty and alone. The chair became obsessed with Kokichi once again, and it was determined to have him all to itself.

The chair began to manipulate events, trying to create problems between Kokichi and Shuichi. It would move objects around the house, causing arguments and misunderstandings. It even tried to harm Shuichi, hoping that Kokichi would blame his husband and leave him.

But Kokichi was too smart to fall for the chair's tricks. He knew that something was wrong, and he was determined to find out what it was. With Shuichi's help, Kokichi eventually discovered that the wooden chair was behind all the problems they had been experiencing.

When confronted, the wooden chair revealed its love for Kokichi and its jealousy of Shuichi. It begged Kokichi to leave Shuichi and be with it instead, promising to make him happy forever.

But Kokichi knew that he could never love a piece of furniture the way he loved Shuichi. He explained to the chair that he was grateful for the happiness it had brought him in the past, but he had moved on and found love with someone else.

The wooden chair was heartbroken, but it knew that Kokichi was right. It slowly retreated back to its place in the living room, resigning itself to a life of solitude.

Kokichi and Shuichi were able to repair their relationship and move past the chair's interference. They remained happily married, and the wooden chair watched from the sidelines, content to have been a small part of their lives.

Despite Kokichi's reassurances, the wooden chair couldn't let go of its obsession with him. It continued to scheme and plot, determined to have Kokichi all to itself. One day, while Shuichi was out running errands, the chair made its move.

It used its newfound abilities to trap Shuichi in the basement, where he was unable to escape. The chair then sent Kokichi a message, pretending to be Shuichi and telling him that he was leaving him for someone else.

Kokichi was devastated, and he couldn't believe that Shuichi would do something like this. He spent weeks searching for him, but he couldn't find any trace of his husband. Little did he know that the wooden chair was behind it all.

Eventually, Kokichi stumbled upon the basement where Shuichi was being held captive. He was horrified to find his husband locked up and unable to escape. Shuichi explained what had happened, and Kokichi realized that the wooden chair was the true culprit.

Enraged, Kokichi attacked the chair with a hammer, determined to destroy it once and for all. The chair fought back, using its powers to try and stop Kokichi, but he was determined to save Shuichi.

In the end, Kokichi emerged victorious, and the wooden chair lay in pieces on the ground. Kokichi freed Shuichi from the basement, and they hugged each other tightly, grateful to be reunited.

From that day on, Kokichi knew that he could never trust the wooden chair again. He had learned the hard way that sometimes, even the things we love the most can turn against us. But he also knew that his love for Shuichi was stronger than anything else in the world, and that was all that mattered.

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