Prom???? Kids????? Collage???

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Gay Gay Homosexual Gay

Once upon a time, in a high school in Japan, there were two students named Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ouma. Shuichi was a quiet and reserved student who was known for his intelligence and problem-solving skills. Kokichi, on the other hand, was a mischievous and unpredictable student who loved to stir up trouble.

One day, it was announced that the school would be having a prom in just a few days' time. Shuichi was not planning on attending, as he didn't have a date and didn't want to go alone. Kokichi, however, had other plans. He knew that Shuichi was hesitant about going to the prom, so he decided to surprise him with a last-minute prom date.

Shuichi was taken aback when he saw Kokichi standing in front of him, holding out a corsage and asking him to be his prom date. At first, Shuichi was hesitant, not sure if he wanted to spend the evening with Kokichi. However, Kokichi's charm and persistence won him over, and Shuichi finally agreed to go to the prom with him.

At the prom, Shuichi was surprised to find that he was nominated for prom king. He didn't think he had a chance of winning, but to his shock, he was crowned prom king at the end of the night. Kokichi, not to be outdone, was also crowned prom queen, much to everyone's surprise.

As they walked down the aisle together, Shuichi and Kokichi couldn't help but smile at each other. They had both had an amazing night, and they had each other to thank for it. As they danced the night away, they felt a connection growing between them.

After prom, Shuichi and Kokichi started dating. They were an unlikely couple, but they complemented each other in ways that no one else could. They went on adventures together, solved mysteries together, and supported each other through everything.

Years passed, and Shuichi and Kokichi's relationship only grew stronger. They knew that they were meant to be together forever, and they decided to take the next step and get married.

Their wedding was a beautiful affair, with flowers and decorations that perfectly reflected their personalities. As they exchanged their vows, Shuichi and Kokichi couldn't help but tear up. They had come so far from that prom night so many years ago, and now they were standing here, promising to spend the rest of their lives together.

As they left the ceremony, Shuichi and Kokichi looked at each other and smiled. They knew that they had found something truly special, and they couldn't wait to see what the future held for them. Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, knowing that they had each other's backs every step of the way.


After Shuichi and Kokichi's wedding, they knew that they wanted to start a family. However, they soon found out that adoption was not going to be an easy road for them. They faced many challenges and rejections before finally finding two children who they fell in love with.

The children, a brother and sister, were full of energy and life. They were also extremely chaotic and mischievous, much like Kokichi had been in his own youth. Shuichi and Kokichi were determined to give them a loving home, but they quickly discovered that parenting was not going to be an easy task.

The children, who had suffered a lot of trauma in their young lives, struggled with attachment issues and behavioral problems. They would often throw tantrums, destroy things around the house, and lash out at their new parents. Shuichi and Kokichi did their best to remain patient and understanding, but it was not an easy task.

They sought out help from therapists and support groups, but it was still a constant struggle. They had to learn to be firm but loving, to set boundaries but also provide a safe and nurturing environment. It was a delicate balance, and they often found themselves exhausted and emotionally drained.

😏Saiouma Oneshots👁👄👁Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora