Idfk what to call it

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Once upon a time, in a small town, there were two best friends, Shuichi and Kokichi. Shuichi was known for being an over-the-top, stereotypical gay guy, while Kokichi was more reserved and kept to himself.

One day, Shuichi overheard Kokichi talking about his favorite things and decided to plan an extravagant picnic for him, with all of his favorite foods, drinks, and activities. Shuichi spent days preparing for the picnic, decorating the park with balloons, streamers, and flowers, and even hiring a live band to play Kokichi's favorite songs.

On the day of the picnic, Shuichi eagerly awaited Kokichi's arrival, but he never showed up. It turned out that Kaito, another friend of theirs, had intercepted the invitation and stolen it so that he could spend time alone with Kokichi.

When Shuichi found out, he was furious and confronted Kaito, leading to a heated argument. Kokichi eventually found out about the whole situation and was disappointed in both of them. He realized that they were both trying to win him over and that neither of them truly cared about his feelings.

Kokichi decided to distance himself from both Shuichi and Kaito, realizing that he couldn't be friends with people who were willing to fight over him. He went on to live his life without them, focusing on his own happiness and well-being.

Shuichi and Kaito eventually realized their mistakes and apologized to Kokichi, but it was too late. Kokichi had moved on and found new friends who accepted him for who he was, without any expectations or ulterior motives.

In the end, Shuichi learned that sometimes, it's important to respect other people's boundaries and not try to force your feelings onto them. And Kokichi learned that true friendship is about mutual respect and understanding, not just about pleasing others.

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